The New Paradigm: From “Fundraising” to “Philanthropy”
Board Members & Fundraising, Culture of Philanthropy, Donor-Centered FundraisingThere’s a new way of thinking coming along - one that is shaping the future of fundraising. It’s a move AWAY from the narrow idea of simple "fundraising" that focuses on "money." It’s a move TOWARD a much broader, more holistic notion…
5 Ways Board Members Can Raise Money VIDEO
Board Members & Fundraising There are many ways board members can help in fundraising. Today I am exploring five easy ways that trustees can help impact the bottom line. We have to remember that most board members are naturally hesitant about fundraising. After…
How to Get Off the Dang Fundraising Treadmill
Board Members & Fundraising, Major GiftsI wish you could have been there. It was a chilly winter day. I was in a large back room of a big office building, meeting with the board of a top-notch local nonprofit. This savvy board had gathered with me for a fundraising retreat/workshop. I…
7 Steps to Fundraising Success This Year: Strategic Tips for Your Board and CEO
Annual Giving, Board Members & Fundraising, Fundraising Strategy, Marketing & CommunicationsThe new year is a great time to take stock of your fundraising strategy. Here are my strategic tips for board members and CEOs. These will help build a well-oiled fundraising machine inside your organization - something we all want! 1. Go…
The One Mistake that Hurts Fundraising the Most
Annual Giving, Board Members & Fundraising, Year-End Fundraising CampaignsWhat is keeping you from raising the most money possible? Could it be that your own approach is holding you back? I have an idea for you - YOU might just be your own worst enemy. : ) This idea will help you make your job easier, more…
Is There a Crisis in Fundraising Leadership?
Board Members & Fundraising, Fundraising Strategy, Nonprofit LeadershipHow do we attract, develop and retain good fundraisers? At last week's International Fundraising Congress, many of us were transfixed by a provocative conversation about "The Emerging Fundraising Leadership Challenge." International fundraising…
How to Create a Fundraising Action Plan for Your Board
Board Development, Board Members & Fundraising, Donor Cultivation, Major Gifts, Motivating Board MembersBoard members are naturally nervous about fundraising. But there are ways to calm them down and make fundraising fun for them. No kidding! Here's how: set them up to do fundraising jobs that DON'T involve soliciting. Tell them…
Myths and Realities of Board Members and Fundraising
Board Development, Board Members & Fundraising, Friendmaking How do YOUR board members feel about fundraising? Not enthusiastic, I'll bet! One of the biggest myths around is that board members should be willing and able to raise money. We wish! But here's the reality: Most board members…
Does Your Organization Really Support Fundraising? Take This Simple Quiz
Board Members & Fundraising, Fundraising Strategy, Nonprofit Leadership Many organizations pay lip service to supporting their fundraising team, but end up failing miserably. Your board, your executive director, and your program and admin staff can undercut fundraising efforts easily. And in many organizations…
Five Clues Your Fundraising is Headed Downhill
Board Members & Fundraising, Fundraising Strategy, Inspiration, Nonprofit LeadershipDon’t we all want fundraising that provides reliable, consistent, revenue? Money we can count on year after year? But that kind of reliable success doesn't just happen. It takes serious work and commitment. And many organizations…
Unleash Your Board Members’ Energy for Fundraising
Board Development, Board Members & Fundraising, Motivating Board Members Do you want to unleash your board members' energy for fundraising? Fundraising is often a huge pain point with many nonprofit board members. And it's a pain point for many fundraising staff members too. Staffers all want to know "how…
How to Screw Up Your Fundraising – Easy Steps to Financial Ruin
Board Development, Board Members & Fundraising, Fundraising Strategy, InspirationCould the greatest challenges to fundraising success be coming from INSIDE your organization? The nonprofit world has been abuzz recently about a disturbing report detailing many internal challenges facing many nonprofit fundraising programs. The…
How Do You Get Board Members to Understand Their Role in Fundraising?
Board Members & Fundraising, Motivating Board MembersHere's the pain point! Board members and fundraising. It's a perennial question that everybody asks. But you know what I think? I think board members exist in another universe than staff. It's sorta like parallel universes: board members…
5 Tips for a Happier & More Effective Board
Board Development, Board Members & Fundraising, Motivating Board Members1. Lighten up. Don't make the experience of your board members something that is dreary and dragging. Help them enjoy their experience. A happier & more effective board is more committed and productive. You may know my number one fundraising…
How to Unleash Your Board Members’ Energy for Fundraising
Board Development, Board Members & Fundraising, Inspiration, Motivating Board MembersI had the pleasure of talking to the very smart and wonderful Michael Chatman yesterday on his popular live radio “Giving Show.” We were talking about my favorite subject – how to get board members fired up and active in fundraising. You…
4 Questions To Rev Up Your Board’s Energy and Enthusiasm
Board Development, Board Members & Fundraising, Motivating Board MembersDo you want to get the most out of your warm-hearted, wonderful volunteers? Do you wish you could generate more enthusiasm among your board members? In my work with boards around the country, I've found some magic questions that can awaken…