Board Development is of paramount importance in organizations, as it ensures that board members possess the necessary skills, knowledge, and capabilities to fulfill their roles and responsibilities effectively. Their collective expertise and guidance contribute significantly to the success and sustainability of nonprofit entities.

Find below our articles about Board Development best practices.

How Your Nonprofit Board Governance Committee Is Like My Garden

Could your nonprofit board governance committee be like my garden? My garden is a work in progress. And so is your board. Just like my garden, your board needs an overseer – to care and feed for the board itself. Every garden – and every…

Myths and Realities about Nonprofit Board Members and Fundraising

There seem to be a lot of myths when it comes to nonprofit board members and fundraising. Staff often expect that board members are supposed to raise money. But board members are not so sure of this – as you probably have experienced. It…

Fire Up Your Nonprofit Board Retreat: Turn it into a Porch Party!

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In all our years of leading board retreats, my team and I find that some board retreats are fabulous and build energy. And others are duds and a waste of time. It all depends on careful planning and your true objectives. What do you really…

Build the Board You Need to Succeed

Board recruitment can be a challenge for many nonprofits. Here's a post from one of our consultants: Adam Hartzell, who's sharing his insights as a former executive director and leadership development expert:    Board members…

Rule #1 for Board Members: Fundraising is Based on Relationships With Donors

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Some board members think fundraising is "hitting someone up." But fundraising is so very much more than that! Fundraising, in the very largest sense, is all about making the world a better place. People who don't understand fundraising devalue…

5 Fundraising Mistakes We Make With Our Boards

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Are you making fundraising mistakes with board members? Is fundraising something your board members avoid? Hope not! But this IS a perennial challenge for fundraisers and CEOs, too. But board members often are scared to death of fundraising. I…

How to Get Your Board Members To Help Identify Major Gift Prospects

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Sometimes when board members are asked to help identify major gift prospects, it can be uncomfortable. Here's why: Board members often don't want to share names of people they know because they're afraid they will be asked to "hit up" their…
superwoman board member

Board Members: Some Ideas About Fundraising That Might Surprise You!

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If you are a nonprofit board member, does this sound familiar? Your organization needs more financial resources. And you are not sure which path to take: Should you: Help launch another fundraising event? Invite your friends people over…

How to Create a Fundraising Action Plan for Your Board

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Board members are naturally nervous about fundraising. But there are ways to calm them down and make fundraising fun for them. No kidding! Here's how: set them up to do fundraising jobs that DON'T involve soliciting. Tell them…

Myths and Realities of Board Members and Fundraising

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How do YOUR board members feel about fundraising? Not enthusiastic, I'll bet! One of the biggest myths around is that board members should be willing and able to raise money. We wish! But here's the reality:  Most board members…

Your Board Members Can Become “Door Openers.” Here’s How!

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What would you MOST love your board members to do? Many nonprofit ED's tell me that  - of all possible things - they wish their board members would simply open doors. That's all. Just open doors. But what happens when you ask board members…

Unleash Your Board Members’ Energy for Fundraising

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Do you want to unleash your board members' energy for fundraising? Fundraising is often a huge pain point with many nonprofit board members. And it's a pain point for many fundraising staff members too.  Staffers all want to know "how…

How to Screw Up Your Fundraising – Easy Steps to Financial Ruin

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Could the greatest challenges to fundraising success be coming from INSIDE your organization? The nonprofit world has been abuzz recently about a disturbing report detailing many internal challenges facing many nonprofit fundraising programs. The…

How to Transform Your Board in One Bold Step

Everybody wishes they had a more powerful, more connected, more engaged board. Right? Here is the story of my favorite organization, Lillian’s List, and how we transformed our board with a Dream Team group of new board members. Here's…

5 Tips for a Happier & More Effective Board

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1. Lighten up. Don't make the experience of your board members something that is dreary and dragging. Help them enjoy their experience. A happier & more effective board is more committed and productive. You may know my number one fundraising…

Don’t Be a Fundraising Dinosaur: 5 Big Ideas to Adopt Right Now

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Here are more provocative nuggets from the recent AFP International Conference in Vancouver. I just couldn't resist sharing these "status-quo" challenges! Here's my challenge: Take this list to your next board meeting. Ask your board members:…