A capital campaign is a strategic and comprehensive fundraising effort by nonprofit organizations to raise significant sums of money for a specific project or purpose.

Find our articles about capital campaign best practices below.

Porch Party: Boost Donor Engagement before Campaign | GPG

How I Launched a Capital Campaign with a Porch Party

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Kickstart your capital campaign with a bang! A porch party is the perfect pre-launch donor engagement event to build excitement & secure early commitments.
Recurring Donors Are Worth the Investment

Donor Readiness: The Secret of All Successful Capital Campaigns

Don’t risk a failed capital campaign! Assess donor readiness now & take strategic steps to cultivate capital campaign relationships.
What Is Campaign Momentum? (And How Do I Build It?)

The Secret to Building Momentum for Your Capital Campaign

Is your campaign stalling? Learn the secrets to building momentum & achieving your fundraising goals. Contact us for a free strategy call.
Boost Capital Campaign Gifts: Prepare Donors for Asks | GPG

Big Capital Campaign Asks: How to Reduce “Surprises” and Prepare Your Donor

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Master the art of the major gift ask. Get expert tips on building relationships and securing big capital campaign donations.
What Does a Capital Campaign Consultant Actually Do?

Capital Campaign Consultants: What Do They Do?

In the world of nonprofit fundraising, capital campaign consultants play a crucial role helping organizations plan, execute, and manage high-dollar capital campaigns. As we all know, capital campaigns are major fundraising efforts…

Capital Campaign Success: The #1 Ingredient You Need

Capital campaign success - this is what we all dream of! As capital campaign consultants, we want our clients to get organized quickly, galvanize their major donors, and secure transformational gifts to fuel their missions. But there…

Storytelling Tours Are Great Donor Cultivation Tools

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One of our favorite donor cultivation tools is a carefully-designed storytelling tour. But we are not talking about just any tour - this is a special, scripted, step-by-step tour. A Storytelling Tour can help you spread the word in your community…
Our $5 Millon Capital Campaign Ask that BOMBED

A $5 Million Capital Campaign Ask that BOMBED

I wish you could have been there. . . . It was a hot summer day in Virginia. We were seated in a small conference room with one of Virginia's top business kingpins. There the successful businessman sat --  so smart and so together…
How to Host a Successful Porch Party

How to Host a Porch Party, a Fun Donor Cultivation Event: Our Full Resource Guide!

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This is our complete guide to a successful Porch Party, a donor cultivation event. Small socials can help build community support and engage new donors.
Unleash the Power of Parch Parties

Webinar | 3 Ways a Porch Party Can Ignite Interest in Your Cause

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Just imagine: what if you had a new way to increase visibility and make new friends for your cause? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you had an authentic and impactful way to help donors get to know your work, build trust and establish…

How to Get Ready for a Capital Campaign

What does it take to really be ready to start a capital campaign? Often we see board members and leaders chomping at the bit to move quickly. And we hear from some fundraisers that they feel pushed to get going and start asking for lead gifts…
Top Capital Campaign Trends

Top Capital Campaign Trends for 2023

Capital campaigns are everywhere these days. Despite a murky economic outlook, nonprofits large and small are moving forward with big fundraising goals and high dollar campaigns. We’re seeing some interesting new capital campaign trends…
Suspect vs Prospect

Suspects vs Prospects

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  Today, we want to talk about two critical terms in major gift fundraising: suspects and prospects.  These terms are often used interchangeably, but they have distinct meanings and huge implications for your fundraising efforts. Here’s…
An Easy Strategy for Discovering New Major Gifts Prospects

(Major Gifts #5) An Easy Strategy for Discovering New Major Gifts Prospects

Today, we want to focus on one of the greatest challenges facing development shops everywhere: finding and discovering new prospects for major, principal, and capital gifts. We hear this everywhere:  Fundraisers tell us that…
Nonprofit Fundraising Trends

Nonprofit Fundraising Trends for 2023

As fundraising consultants, we’re always keeping an eye on the latest nonprofit fundraising trends and developments. As we move into 2023, there are several key trends that can help your organization ride the waves of success and fundraising…
Three Big Challenges Facing Top Fundraisers Today

Three Big Challenges Facing Top Fundraisers Today

Don’t hold yourself back. If you want to reach and exceed your major gift goal, then don’t neglect your important donor relationships!