
We offer this list of suggested New Year’s Resolutions for Board Members to encourage them to consider their important role and reflect on how they can be more effective as board members. 

Here are 10 New Year’s resolutions for board members that encourage self-reflection on your board’s culture, its decision-making process, how everyone behaves, and how involved everyone is in fundraising.  

The beginning of the year is a great time to set goals and resolutions that can help board members make a positive impact on their organization and the community it serves.  

Here are some ideas for nonprofit board members – to remind everyone of what’s truly important, and help focus on positive action.

1. I will foster a positive and inclusive culture on our board and within our nonprofit.

As a board member, I resolve for all my contributions to be positive and optimistic. I will bring a positive point of view to all discussions, and discourage negativity. My voice will focus on ideas of abundance rather than scarcity. 

Moreover, I will aim to be always hopeful for the best; to encourage discussions of great possibilities. Knowing that negativity wipes out our board’s energy and passion, I commit to being a positive influence on other board members.

I will strive to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all stakeholders, including staff, volunteers, donors, and people we serve. This means being open to diverse perspectives and ideas, and creating a culture of respect and open communication.

To support inclusivity, I will welcome diverse people, perspectives and options. In addition, I will be aware of our board’s culture, and will respect board members’ perspectives in our discussions. 

I resolve for all my contributions to be positive and optimistic. I will bring a positive point of view to all discussions, and discourage negativity. My voice will focus on ideas of abundance rather than scarcity. 

Moreover, I will aim to be always hopeful for the best; to encourage discussions of great possibilities. Knowing that negativity wipes out our board’s energy and passion, I commit to being a positive influence on other board members.

2. I will make my own proud, personal gift to support my institution.

AND I will encourage all other board members to give. I understand that if we don’t put our money where our mouth is, we have absolutely no credibility as stewards of the organization’s financial health and mission. 

When everyone is making their own proud personal gift, we are all demonstrating our support for fundraising and philanthropy.

We’re acknowledging that fundraising, gifts and contributions are absolutely essential to financial stability.  

When everyone is participating in our organization’s philanthropy, we are adding integrity to the fundraising process. As a matter of fact, when board members are not supporting their organization financially, we send a very loud message to the community — that we are not fully behind this organization’s mission.

I will set an example by giving cheerfully and generously, and model appropriate generosity to the rest of our board.

To put it in the words of a funder:“If the leaders of the organization don’t support it, why should anyone else?”

3. I will encourage everyone to think big and challenge the status quo.

As a board member, I know that thinking small will not get us where we want to go. We are not going to change the world, alleviate suffering, help our community, find a cure – by thinking small.

So I will encourage everyone to think big. I understand that there is great power in a big, wildly exciting vision. Because, we know that a big juicy vision will help attract people – and financial resources – to our cause. 

Even more, knowing that change is hard for all organizations, including ours  – I will be open to new ideas and new ways of doing things.

I resolve to question the status quo and ask, “Why are we doing it this way?

I will encourage my fellow board members to be willing to let go of the past and consider new opportunities and strategies – no matter how threatening change is. Equally, I will remember Jack Welch’s famous quote:

If change is happening outside the organization faster than it is on the inside, the end is near.”

4. I will have a bias towards positive action.

Knowing that my organization needs more than just talk out of board members, I will focus on positive actions we can take.  I refuse to be one of those board members who thinks their job is simply to come to meetings and just offer an opinion.

Moreover, I will make sure that the opinions that I do offer are thoughtful, respectful and are based on some type of data rather than on my personal preferences. 

I will ask our CEO and staff how we can help them and what support they need. I will encourage a can-do attitude – because THAT is what can change the world.

Likewise, I will share these new years resolutions for board members with my colleagues and encourage open discussion of these ideas. 

5. I resolve to stay informed and understand our financials.

I promise to take my role as a fiduciary guardian of our nonprofit seriously. As a board member, I understand my responsibility to oversee the financial health of the organization. 

I’ll resolve to stay informed about my organization’s budget, financial performance, and fundraising efforts. Even more, I will encourage transparency and accountability. I’ll look deeply at the data on how we raise money, and how we spend it.

It will be important for me to learn more about where our money really goes, and why we need more funding. I want to learn about my organization’s fundraising plan and our specific funding/business model.

In particular, I will commit to reviewing – and understanding – financial reports and resolve to ask questions when necessary.

Like Tom Peters said,

“Without data, I’m just another person with an opinion.”

6. I will wholeheartedly support our fundraising program, and will encourage others to do so.

I understand that there are many ways I can support fundraising and help celebrate our donors. 

Since board members are the highest authorities of our organization, I  know that we can add clout to all aspects of the fundraising program. Additionally, we know that donors feel honored when a board member makes a thank you phone call or sends a thank you email. 

Since fundraising is not just just about asking for money, I know I can play a valuable role even if I am not out there soliciting – by opening doors, making connections, meeting prospects, thanking donors, involving new people, and more.

In addition, I resolve to educate myself about fundraising – how it works today in this changing world and what works best for us. 

As for me, I won’t suggest a new fundraising idea or project without first understanding its potential impact on our staffing and volunteer resources.

7. I will help foster an organizational culture that will support fundraising and philanthropy.

I understand my various fundraising responsibilities as a board member, and will help foster a strong organizational culture of philanthropy.

As a supportive board member, I will encourage everyone in the organization to:

  • Engage in and support the fundraising program in whatever way we can. We know there are many ways that everyone in the organization can help in fundraising without having to ask for money.
  • Celebrate our donors as important stakeholders and supporters of our mission.
  • Ensure that fundraising is respected and acknowledged as an important mission-centric activity. Instead of backing away from fundraising, I will encourage fellow board members to be as supportive as possible. 

8. I will fully support our CEO and staff.

I will not ask the staff to overwork themselves, or sacrifice their personal lives in the name of our cause. Equally, I will encourage a positive work environment where our staff team feels acknowledged and respected. 

Understanding that they carry enormous responsibility on their shoulders, I will support paying them competitive salaries, giving them a healthy, happy workplace and ensuring that adequate training is provided to do the job. 

I resolve to support an appropriate boundary between board members and staffers, and I will encourage other board members to understand the management lines of communication. 

This means that I will not attempt to direct individual staff members. Instead I will deal with their boss, our CEO or Executive Director.

I resolve to show up when a staff member calls or emails.  And help out when asked.

9. I will be an advocate and ambassador for our cause wherever I go.

Knowing that ideas can be contagious and spread among people like wildfire — I will spread the word about our work wherever I go. 

I resolve to be a great ambassador for our organization – sharing news and information about our impact to everyone in my network. 

Above all, I want to help create an epidemic of buzz about my organization all around. I’ll practice conversation skills and a short elevator speech that can open the door to a potential donor. 

I resolve to be a terrific personal advocate for our organization and our cause. And I’ll have fun doing it!

10. I will support the board to assess its governance and performance each year.

Knowing that good governance practices should always be reviewed and discussed, I will encourage us to conduct an annual self-assessment.

Moreover, I understand that the results of our board self assessment can open up new ideas about the way we work together, how we run our board meetings, what expectations we ask of all the board members, and our overall internal culture. 

I’ll encourage our Board Governance Committee to bring forward new ideas, practices and strategies to help our board become a high-functioning team. 

Bottom Line on New Year’s Resolutions for Board Members:

For the coming year and all years, I dedicate myself to making my service on the board meaningful. And to encourage a positive, can-do, board culture.


The Collaborative Ask: Secure More Major Gifts | GPG2024

Can you imagine working with major donors who are literally excited to make big gifts that fund your organization?  Now, just imagine actually enjoy working with these donors to close transformational gifts.  

The big question is – how to pull it off? How do fundraisers manage to become trusted advisors to their donors, keep closing gift after gift, and maintain long term, happy relationships with them? 

Here’s the secret: when the donor is ready for an ask, shift to a slower, conversation-based gift discussion based squarely in the donor’s dreams, wishes and personal values. This is how you ask for and close mega gifts.

The Opportunity: The Paradigm-Shifting New Collaborative Ask 

We are introducing a new gift closing approach that is much, much more successful than the old formal solicitation approaches. Instead, we recommend that fundraisers literally collaborate with their donors in order to achieve mega gifts. 

Today, we want to show you how to pull this off. 

You’ll have to abandon the old approaches for soliciting and closing major gifts that are so “last century.” They no longer work with today’s sophisticated donors.

Even more, you will need to leave behind the old-fashioned, scripted Ask approach that often leaves major donors cold.

When you slow down and use the Collaborative Ask approach, you can develop long lasting relationships with happy major donors who stick with you and give again and again.

In our upcoming Major Gifts Intensive professional development program, we’ll be teaching this new (wildly successful) Collaborative Ask approach. Find out more here!

The Old Ask vs the Collaborative Ask: Seven Shifts You Have to Make 

Here are the seven shifts professional fundraisers can make, to create relationships with donors that will cause them to actually OFFER gifts without being asked.

1.     Money vs. Possibilities

Are you talking about money with your donor? Or are you talking about vision, opportunity, impact, and possibility? 

One is transactional, and one is visionary.  You can approach a donor for a monetary gift, OR you can ask them what impact they really want to create. You can paint a picture of how they can change the world.

Clearly, the latter will result in a larger gift! 

2.     Organization-centered vs. Donor-centered

Typically, we bring naming opportunities and organizational priorities forward to our donors. We discuss projects that need funding, whether donors are interested in them or not.

Yes, organizational priorities are important. We agree. 

But, consider that each individual donor has a reason for supporting your cause that is deeply personal. It’s emotional. 

Approaching your donor with a list of projects takes all the energy out of the conversation. It’s about facts rather than about the donor’s dreams of making an impact.  

An organization-centered approach often results in smaller gifts. 

3.     Formal Pitch vs. Informal Questions 

A formal “pitch” is a fastball. It can go so quickly that the donor barely has time to register what’s happening. You and your team are doing all the talking and not involving the donor.

You are certainly not evoking the donor’s feelings and dreams. 

The conversation feels like selling something, listing all these reasons why the donor needs to give big and give now. 

Approaches like this can leave your donor cold. Where is the emotion? What does the donor even think – do you know? Try this approach and your team probably receives a much smaller gift. 

Do you want your team to master these asking skills? Register them for the upcoming Major Gifts Intensive professional development program. We’ll be teaching this new (wildly successful) Collaborative Ask approach. Find out more here!

4.     Fast vs. Slow 

Let’s consider the slow approach. One that moves based on the donor’s timetable. One that makes the donor feel comfortable, almost like they are in charge.

When you move too quickly with a donor, you run the risk of making them think all you want is their money. They will think you don’t really want to know what they think or how they feel. 

You are telling the donor that you actually don’t want a relationship with them.

You will certainly get a much smaller gift if the donor feels pushed too quickly to make a decision. 

5.     Pushy vs. Permission

And, speaking of feeling pushed, who wants to feel like their back is against the wall? Who wants to feel confronted with a major ask they are not ready to consider? No one. 

Instead, the best way is to ask the donor for permission. Would you like to talk about xxxx? Would you like to learn more? Is this a good time? 

All these permission questions, slow things down and move at the donor’s pace. Then, you are more likely to achieve your hoped-for mega gift! 

6.     Intellectual vs. Heart-Centered 

The secret to a true, wildly successful collaborative ask is this: ask the donor what they believe in, and what they want to accomplish with their philanthropy. Ask them how they FEEL about your organization’s work. 

Your donor would probably love to share their passions and dreams with you. They may have a lot to say! 

It’s up to you to hold the space for the donor to talk about their deeply held personal values. Honor them by listening deeply.

Then, with a Collaborative Ask, you work out with the donor how they can express their personal values with a major gift. You’ll have a very happy donor and a significant investment in your nonprofit’s work. 

7.     You Think You are in Charge vs. Donor is in Charge 

Have you ever developed a script for a big ask? Who is going to say what? Who will add the urgency? Who will explain the impact?  Who will make the ask? 

It’s all one-way. You and your team are the ones running the show.

But guess who is really in charge? The donor is really calling the shots. They will determine when you meet, what you focus on, and whether they give. 

A slower, conversational approach that engages the donor with permission, step by step, is the only way that will yield a mega gift. 

Bottom Line: The Old Ask vs the Collaborative Ask: Seven Shifts You Have to Make 

Make these seven shifts and you will create deeper donor relationships that last. And you and your team will achieve many, many more major gifts!

Registration is now open for this years Major Gifts Intensive program that we’ve been running annually for more than a decade.

If you and your team want professional coaching and training to build out a long-term systematic, sustainable major gift program, then consider joining the Intensive. We will be teaching the new Collaborative Ask approach this year! More info here! 

Easiest Year-End Fundraising Gift Idea | GPG

Here is some encouraging news: there is actually plenty of funding available right now for your organization.

Even more, there are more than enough gifts out there to take your year-end campaign over goal this fall.

Best of all, these gifts are the easiest to raise of all.

So, where are these easy gifts? You can find them right in your donor files.

Your easy gifts this year-end will come from donor renewals.

The Easiest Money to Raise: Donor Renewals

When you and your team focus on your current donor base, these are the easiest gifts to close.

Can you identify your current lovely, generous, loyal friends who gave last year but have not given this year?

Consider this: These donors love you. They are your tribe. Don’t forget they’ve already voted to trust your organization by giving you their money.

They’ve literally invested in your work. Of course, these passionate donors would love a warm invitation to join the cause again this year and bring more goodness and healing into the world.

Donor Renewals are Easy Asks

Remember, a renewal reminder is the easiest ask there is.

Because these donors are already in your community and are happy supporters of your cause, you can treat them like the insiders they are.

Think of it like asking someone to come volunteer again – you helped last year, so come on and help this year too.

Gently reminding them to renew their support is the easiest ask of all.

But here’s an important caveat:  you have to treat them like friends.

Don’t put them off by sending them a lofty, formal appeal letter. Would you send a formal letter to your own friend?

Donor Retention is the Name of the Game 

Donor retention in recent years hovers around only 40-43%.

That means that, overall, only around two out of every five donors renewed their gifts in recent years. Everyone in philanthropy is quite worried about the continued decline of donors and their gifts. This is a crisis in the making!

The solution: Your team needs to do everything it can to encourage your current donors to stay with you.

Consider these recommendations for organizing a smart donor renewal campaign:

1. Pull a list of donors who have not yet renewed their gifts.

Pull a report of everyone who made an annual gift last year but has not yet renewed so far this year. These are the people you will focus on for the next several weeks.

Next, add up the dollar total of this list.  You might become concerned when you see just how much money is on the line.

But do remember that this number (of gifts about to lapse) represents excellent fundraising potential.

2. Prioritize and segment your list.

Start by identifying the people who will be most likely to renew their gifts – they may just need a quick reminder.

Or, your team might decide to focus on your largest donors first – their renewed gifts could push your numbers up very quickly.

Remember, many of your loyal donors DO NOT know that they are about to lapse. They may think they’ve renewed their support. And, they may have simply forgotten.

So following up with them is simply the appropriate thing to do. Above all, it is not pushy or intrusive!

3. Connect with your donors. Ask them to renew.

For your higher-dollar donors who have not yet renewed, try these strategies:

Send Personal Notes: You could distribute the list to board members who are willing to write a personal note as a renewal reminder.

Pick Up the Phone: Everyone on the entire fundraising staff could make personal phone calls reminding donors about renewing. Or, pull in a volunteer team for help.

Send Personal Emails: Try crafting very personalized, individualized email messages to higher dollar donors. Remember – the more personal you make the email, then the more attention the email will get.

Here’s a sample renewal script for email or letter:

Dear Ms. Donor, you are so wonderful to partner with us this year as a donor. 

You have helped (bring hope, clean streams, stage amazing artistic performances, feed hungry people in our community, etc etc etc.) Thank you! 

Thanks to you, (specific projects) have happened, helping to create (impact).

I am writing you personally because our fiscal year will be ending soon, and we are hoping you’ll want to remain a supporter and renew your support for our work. 

We are asking our loyal donors to renew their gifts xx amount to create xxxxx impact (or reach xxxxx people), and hope that you might want to support this work again with a generous gift. 

The kids (or frogs, or elderly, or students ) need your help if we are going to be able to xxx (add more about impact here.). . . 

Please take a moment right now and send in a generous gift to help xxxx happen.  We so appreciate your partnership to make this dream a reality for our community.

And, we look forward to hearing from you! Please come visit or give me a call anytime.

Bottom Line: Don’t let your current donors slip away. These are the easiest year-end gifts to close.

As always, it is a pleasure to share our weekly insights with you as we cover important fundraising strategies. 

If your organization is planning a capital campaign or expanding your major gifts program – we can help.

Send an email to if you’d like to schedule a free strategy call with us.


How Giving USA 2024 Impacts Your Board's Role | GPG

Giving USA is chock-full of the latest data that reports on how philanthropy fared in 2023. (Here’s a spoiler – despite the impact of inflation, Americans NEVER stop being generous!)

We’ve written about the top takeaways and answered your questions.

Here’s the key information that your board members and stakeholders need to know.

We’ve pitched in with a helpful acronym to guide your board update: GIVE.  The top takeaways from Giving USA 2024 can be summed up in four words:

  • Giving 
  • Influence
  • Values
  • Economy

1. Giving: More People are Making Gifts of Stock, and from DAF’s and IRAs

People, and especially larger donors, are giving in different ways today. You could say that the shape that generosity takes is changing.

    Board members should know that individuals have always been the major source of charitable contributions – far more than any other source.

    However, many of the traditional giving channels have changed in recent years:

    • Foundations and donor-advised funds are becoming more significant sources of donations.
    • Foundations are giving more, with over $100 billion in gifts for the second year in a row.
    • Charitable bequests and giving via stock are becoming increasingly significant as Baby Boomers enter their peak giving years.

    What To Know

    Board members will be interested to know that gifts of appreciated stock from private foundations and Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) are trending up. They are growing rapidly these days as popular giving vehicles. 

    Their takeaway would be to help identify donors who may have assets to give, or who may have set up a personal Donor Advised Fund. 

    At a minimum, ensure your board members understand and can talk about these types of gifts. And remind them that your organization is ready and willing to work with donors who give from these sources. 

    ? Learn Even More: 10 Fundraising Responsibilities of Every Board Member

    2. Inspire: People Are Giving When They are Inspired

    People are continuing to give when they are inspired. It’s an emotional thing. People give when they “feel” strongly about something.

    Your board members can also have a huge influence on other donors – simply by sharing their own personal reasons for supporting your organization. 

    The research shows that peer-to-peer relationships and conversations among friends really do help inspire giving.

    What To Know: 

    Ensure that board members know how to handle a conversation with a donor or potential donor:

    • Help them develop their own elevator speech to share their own enthusiasm for your organization’s work. 
    • Equip your board members with thoughtful questions to ask others about their giving.
    • Encourage board members to share their own stories of giving, either in a one-on-one setting with a key prospect, at an event, or in promotional materials. 

    Board members may feel awkward when sharing their excitement about their favorite organizations. That’s not uncommon. 

    So, helping your leaders practice their messaging is a huge plus. 

    ? Learn Even More: Give Board Members Something to Say – Help Them Become Personal Advocates for your Cause

    3. Values: People Are Giving Based on Personal Values and Beliefs

    Above all, donors are going to give where they feel a connection with their personal values. Where they have a personal history. 

    As we mentioned earlier, giving is an emotional act. 

    Where are they giving? What types of organizations are receiving more or less gifts?

    • Giving USA found that giving to many traditional nonprofits, such as houses of worship, is declining.
    • And education continues to see solid charitable support, largely thanks to major donors.
    • Giving to health and medical causes continues to be somewhat stable.

    What To Know

    If your board members know how to ask the right questions, they can help open the hearts of your donors. All they have to do is ask donors “why do you support our organization?” 

    And, just watch out! They may open the floodgates to a donor’s personal values. And that includes the donor’s history, their deepest held beliefs and their true passions. That’s powerful stuff! 

    ? Learn Even More: What is Your Donor’s Emotional Connection?

    4. The Economy: Charitable Giving Follows the Economy

    Remember the saying, “It’s the economy, stupid?” Actually, the economy has a huge impact on giving.

    The most important factoid is this: 

    Charitable giving tends to follow the strength of the US stock market. However, it’s a lagging indicator, following behind the stock market by about a year. 

    • For 40 years, individual giving as a percentage of personal disposable income has consistently averaged 2%.
    • Total giving reliably equals around 2% of GDP.

    So, with the US stock market at record highs, we can expect a very positive economic environment that will encourage giving.

    What To Know

    • It’s helpful to understand that the economy totally impacts the results of Giving USA data.
    • However, philanthropy always perseveres through economic ups and downs. 
    ? Learn Even More: What Mega Donors are Saying about Giving in Today’s Economy

    BOTTOM LINE Board members can help – more they understand about fundraising – the better!


    We recently shared our top insights on the Giving USA 2024 report with a wonderful group of nonprofit leaders. 

    They also asked some very interesting questions about fundraising trends and how their fundraising programs might be impacted. 

    Here are the main Giving USA 2024 FAQs we received – along with answers, of course!

    If you’d like a copy of the webinar recording, just send us an email.

    As a refresher, 2023 was a phenomenal year for charitable giving. Total charitable donations hit a whopping $557.16 billion! 

    It’s an important reminder of the consistency of American generosity, even with inflation running at 4.1% and tempering the overall results.

    Who is Giving and What Are They Giving To? 

    Giving USA insights cover WHO is doing the giving –  individuals, foundations, bequests, and corporate giving.

    It also covers WHAT people are giving to. 

    We track giving in nine major nonprofit subsectors: Religion; Human Services; Education; Foundations; Public-Society Benefit; Health; International Affairs; Arts, Culture, and Humanities; and Environment and Animals.

    You can find our comprehensive review of the Giving USA results here

    Smart Questions from our Webinar Attendees: 

    Everyone’s SMART questions ran the gamut! And we know they were all asking, “What does Giving USA 2024 mean for my nonprofit?” 

    So let’s get started:

    We’ll shout this from the rooftops: Individuals are the leading source of charitable giving!

    Individual giving went up significantly during the pandemic. However, gifts have since come down from those high levels, since pandemic-related gifts in 2021 were unusually strong.

    This decline should not be a major cause for concern in the least, as giving is still above pre-pandemic levels, even when adjusted for inflation. 

    While donors are still incredibly generous, the way individual donors are giving is changing. Many more individuals are choosing to give through their private foundations and DAFs, so it’s important for you to:

    • Understand these giving vehicles 
    • Identify the distinct donors who give this way
    • Mention these giving channels in your comms
    • Flag DAF donors as major gift prospects! 

    Question: Are more gifts being made from IRAs?

    Yes, it’s time to learn more about IRA required distributions. Why? Because this is a fact of life for many donors who are in their prime giving years. 

    Our most populous generation – The Baby Boomers – are reaching the age where they must begin taking “required minimum distributions” (RMDs) from their retirement accounts, including:

    • IRAs 
    • 401(k), 403(b), and 457(b) plans

    Many older Americans choose to donate that money to charities so they can receive the associated tax benefits.

    Your takeaway: be prepared to ask for, foster, and steward these types of gifts. They offer great potential!

    • Remind donors about “giving from your IRA” or “making gifts of stock.” 
    • Add real-life testimonials to your donor communications.
    • Remind donors to consult with their financial advisors about these gifts.

    You don’t have to know everything about tax laws and their implications. You just have to know enough to point your donors in the right direction – and then back to your organization to make their gift designation!

    Question: How should we best handle DAF gifts to honor the donor?

    Remember, even though the gift comes from another source – the DAF – it’s the donor’s original contribution that made it all possible.

    We often hear about the “unknown” DAF donor, and yes, it can be a challenge. 

    The reality is that less than 5% of DAF donors give anonymously.

    Some ways to identify DAF donors are:

    • Survey your donors to learn their preferred vehicle for giving.
    • Consider asking donors directly whether they use a DAF..
    • Work with your Board and other key stakeholders to identify prospects they may know who use a DAF.

    On your website: 

    • Create a “ways to give” page that includes specific information on DAFs. 
    • Consider other targeted communications that highlight DAFs as a way to give. 

    For more help uncovering the identity of the donor, you can even reach out to the DAF provider itself. We strongly recommend this approach! 

    Many offer helpful guidance, like this from Fidelity, to guide your efforts. The legwork will be worth it.

    You can also ask donors how they came to create their DAF. Then, you might find out more about their philanthropic motivations and goals – discovering how and why they give.

    Question: Why has giving to the religion sector taken such a hit in recent years?

    While giving to religion still represents the largest share of support in Giving USA – and has for the last 40+ years – that share is indeed getting smaller each year.

    This is for two reasons: 

    • Studies show that people, especially younger generations, are becoming less involved with and supportive of organized religion. 

    Trends indicate organized faith is declining in popularity and houses of worship are seeing declining attendance.

    • Other sectors continue to take a greater market share of philanthropic dollars. 

    Why? There seems to be an increased awareness of a greater diversity of causes. And many other organizations are using increasingly sophisticated fundraising strategies. 

    It’s important to note that while giving to organized religion is declining, people are still giving to faith-based causes

    This could be, for example, a homeless shelter run by a local church, a relief service run by a Jewish Community Center, or refugee resettlement services aided by your local mosque.  

    This is a reminder that your donor’s values may still align with many faith-based causes. 

    Some analysis suggests donors want more stewardship from religious organizations on how their gifts are making an impact. 

    Your takeaway: If you are in a faith-based organization – be sure to use top notch stewardship and donor communications strategies to keep your donors close. 

    Question: What tips do you have for managing donor nervousness about the next presidential administration?

    While the latest Giving USA report focuses on 2023: there is a very big 2024 event on our audiences’ minds: the upcoming election and all that comes with it! 

    Here are our tips to help you navigate a potentially stormy season: 

    Accentuate the Positive! 

    • Focus communications on the positive impact and problem-solving work your organization is doing, rather than political issues or conflicts. 
    • Emphasize how your lovely donors are making such a difference.

    Keep Your Donors Close! 

    • Remind donors that you provide a “bright light” and distraction from any negativity in the media through your mission and impact. 
    • Keep donors feeling closely connected through personalized outreach, expressing how much their support is appreciated. 
    • Send more thank you gifts or notes.

    Build Confidence! 

    • Structure appeals and stories to keep donors feeling their philanthropy is in good hands
    • Even more, their gifts are making a tangible difference, regardless of outside events or distractions.

    Do you have more pressing questions about Giving USA or the ways that giving statistics have an effect on your donors? 

    We’d be happy to chat! Just connect with us via email, and as always, thank YOU for being a bright light in our field.

    Nonprofit Fiscal Year-End Fundraising Strategy | GPG

    Is your fundraising team all set to meet your annual fund goal?

    It’s always a big push – working to close those last minute donations to your nonprofit.

    If your fiscal year closes on June 30th like many nonprofit institutions, then the race is on. It’s just around the corner, and all of your numbers will be totaled.

    This post shares our number one tip to help your team zoom over goal this fiscal year-end.

    Who are your top prospects to help you meet your year-end fundraising goal?

    Where will the easy money come from, so to speak?

    We think, if you focus carefully, you can reach out to a particular group of donors who are highly likely to donate when you ask.

    Who are your top prospects to meet your year-end goals? They are leadership annual fund donors who gave last year, but unfortunately they have not yet renewed their gift for this fiscal year.

    They are about to become LYBUNTS, people who gave last year, but unfortunately not this year.

    Our recommendation: focus on the largest “about to lapse” annual fund donors.

    This one activity could make the largest difference in your fiscal year-end fundraising results.

    A renewal reminder is the easiest ask to make.

    Just think – these donors are already in your community. They are happy supporters of your cause. They are your tribe. So, ask your team to treat them like the insiders they are.

    Gently reminding them that you hope they will renew their support is easy.

    Think of it like asking someone to come volunteer again – you helped last year, so come on and help this year too.

    Here’s how a strategy for organizing last-minute renewal followups: 

    1.  Who needs to renew their gift before year-end? Pull the list for fiscal year-end renewals.

    Pull a report of everyone who made a larger annual fund gift last year, and has not yet renewed – these are the people you will focus on for the next two – three weeks.

    Add up the dollar total of this list.  These lovely people are about to become lapsed donors. (Oh dear!)

    You just might faint when you see just how much $$ is on the line.

    100% of your team’s focus for the next two weeks should be on renewing this special group.

    2. Prioritize your list.

    Start by identifying the people who will be most likely to renew their gifts – they may just need a quick reminder.

    Or, you might decide to focus on your largest donors first – their renewed gifts could push your year-end numbers up very quickly.

    Remember, many of your loyal donors DO NOT know that they are about to lapse.

    They may think they’ve renewed their support. And, they may have simply forgotten.

    So following up with them is simply the appropriate thing to do. Above all, it is NOT pushy or intrusive!

    3. Reach out to these “about to lapse donors.” Ask them to renew.

    Try these strategies: 

    Send Personal Notes:

    You could distribute the list to board members who are willing to write a personal note as a renewal reminder.

    Pick Up the Phone:

    Everyone on the entire fundraising staff could make personal phone calls reminding donors about renewing. Or, pull in a volunteer team!

    Send Personal Emails:

    Try having your team craft very personalized, individualized email messages to these donors. Remember – the more personal, the more attention the email will get.

    Sample renewal script for email or letter:

    Dear Ms. Donor, you are so wonderful to partner with us this year as a donor and supporter.

    You have helped (IMPACT statement: bring hope xxxx, clean streams, stage amazing artistic performances, feed hungry people in our community etc etc etc.) Thank you! 

    Thanks to you, (specific projects) have happened, with (impact and results).

    I am writing you personally because our fiscal year is ending in two weeks — and we are hoping you’ll want to renew your support and remain a member of our community.

    This year, we are asking our loyal donors to renew their support by xx amount to create xxxxx impact (or reach xxxxx people). 

    The kids (or frogs, or elderly, or students ) need your help if we are going to be able to  xxx (add more about impact here.). 

    Please take a moment right now and send in a generous gift to help xxxx happen.  

    Sample renewal phone call script:

    Hi, it’s Becky Smith, from xxxxx. 

    I want to give you a huge thank you for your gift to (organization)  It’s awesome that you are such a generous supporter!  

    We are so thankful to have you in our family.  (AFFIRMATION OF THE DONOR)

    You may remember reading about xxx project that you helped fund. 

    Thanks to you, xxxx (describe accomplishment) and now here’s the impact of this xxxx (describe impact).  (BE SPECIFIC WITH AN ACCOMPLISHMENT THEY MADE POSSIBLE)

    What we are doing today – is a phone campaign so we can tackle this next important project. 

    We are asking our most loyal donors to renew their support XX amount to create XXX impact (or reach XXX people). 

    Most people are giving in this range of $xxx to $xxxx. How much would you like to give?

    (Credit to the brilliant Simon Scriver for the phone call script.)

    Bottom Line: Renew your about-to-lapse donors before fiscal year-end!

    Those higher gift levels are just sitting there.

    All your team has to do is employ the right strategies: The phone. The personal call or visit. The ask.

    It’s not complicated! So give these strategies a try and watch YOUR year-end totals zoom up!

    ABOVE ALL remember: Your donors may not even know that they have not given yet this fiscal year. It’s up to you to remind them!


    use AI to write killer thank you letters

    AI to the Rescue: Streamlining Thank You’s for More Donor Love

    As fundraisers, we understand the power of a well-crafted thank-you note. It’s far more than a formality – a heartfelt acknowledgment cements the donor’s positive experience, strengthens relationships, and paves the way for continued generosity.

    But let’s face it, finding time to personalize thank you can be a massive challenge, especially for short-staffed development offices. 

    That’s where AI comes in, offering a helping hand to make our jobs easier and donor experiences even better.

    Use AI to Write Thank You Letters

    The Gail Perry Group has an excellent guide on writing thank-you letters that rock:  How to Craft a Killer Thank You Letter.

    Our template includes a solid list of do’s and don’ts that will help your acknowledgement notes shine.

    In addition, we’ve created a free AI prompt that incorporates the best practices outlined in our Killer Thank You Letter Template. 

    Here’s how to use this thank you letter template: 

    Take the bolded text below, and add your customized donor information in the brackets. 

    Then, drop the text into your favorite FREE generative AI tool such as ChatGPT or Google’s Gemini. Hit return/update and watch the magic happen.

    As an experienced nonprofit fundraising expert, write a short thank you letter to [donor’s name] which will begin with an innovative or creative sentence that charms the donor and conveys gratitude using a tone that is warm, positive and upbeat. Include how the gift will be used [xxx], the name of your organization [xxx] and sign it by a high-ranking person [name/role] including their phone number [xxx]?


    • Use the first person: “I” and “we.”
    • Use the second person: “you,” “you” and “you” again. 
    • Say things like “I can’t begin to thank you enough for…” We are absolutely thrilled to have your support again this year.” or “Because of your gift, a family will . . .”
    • Use contractions such as “We’ll” rather than “We will.”
    • Use exclamation marks if appropriate, but don’t use too many of them.
    • Show some emotion.
    • Talk about the impact of the gift: what is the donor achieving by giving? 
    • Be concise. Don’t be formal or lofty.
    • Don’t start out with “on behalf of.”
    • Don’t use thank you letter jargon such as “we are deeply grateful for your continued support.”
    • Don’t start out with “Dear Friend”
    • Don’t ask anything else from your donor.

    Here is what Google’s Gemini generated for Fred Flintstone, the executive director of a SPCA kennel near you.

    Dear Barney Rubble,

    I’m not sure if you’ve heard the barking and excited tail wags lately, but the word is definitely out at our SPCA! Thanks to your incredible generosity, we’re expanding our kennels.

    We are absolutely thrilled to have your support again this year. Because of your gift, more furry friends will find safe, loving shelter while they await their forever families. It’s a beautiful thing, and you made it happen.

    I can’t begin to thank you enough for your kindness. Your compassion is making a real difference in the lives of animals and the families who love them.

    With warmest gratitude,

    Fred Flintstone
    Executive Director

    You have to admit that this is a lovely note. It’s one that will bring a smile to your donor’s face. It might even get posted on their refrigerator door! 

    Use this template and let us know how it works for you and your team!  We’ve experimented with this template and keep getting happy, positive, charming letters out of it. 

    Disclaimer: Certainly you’ll need to edit these letters so that they accurately reflect your organization’s work and mission. And, you can tinker with this template as well. But do keep the charm and gratitude as a central focus of the letter.

    Is the AI Version too Emotional?

    One person on our team suggested that the AI thank you letter turned out to be too emotional. Do you?

    On our part, I think we can use more emotion in fundraising overall.  Especially when you consider giving as an emotional act by the donor – they are donating because they really care about something (your mission!).

    So, if donating springs from an emotional feeling in the donor’s heart, then we can certainly respond with graciousness and a tad of emotion ourselves.

    AI Will Never Replace Those Face-to-Face Moments

    It’s important to remember that Artificial Intelligence is a tool, not a magic wand. 

    While it can generate well-written drafts, you’ll always want to review and add your personal touch. 

    And for those truly special relationships and significant gifts, nothing beats a series of thank yous, in person, via email and by snail mail. 

    Remember the old motto: Find Seven Ways To Thank Your Donor and They Will Give Again! 


    By ethically using AI, we can free up time and energy to focus on what matters most – those personal conversations and building lasting connections with our donors. 

    It’s a win for them, a win for your mission, and a win for the well-being of your professional fundraisers.

    Remember to bookmark this article.

    As always, sharing our weekly news and insights with you is a pleasure. 

    If your organization is planning a capital campaign – we can help. We’re with our clients every step of the way, inspiring their teams and board, building confidence, driving action and measuring success. Send an email to if you’d like to schedule a strategy or consulting call with us.

    #AIforGood #AIWriting #TimeSaving #NonprofitMarketing #DonorLove


    How to Craft a Killer Thank You Letter
    How a Capital Campaign Planning Committee Develops Lead Donor Relationships
    Thanking Donors – How to Show Your Donors Love


    How to Write Thank Yous to Donors (That Work!) | GPG

    Here’s an important question: Did your last thank you note to a donor make your donor feel:

    JOYFUL to know their recent gift made a difference?

    ASSURED the gift they made was a wise investment?

    PROUD to be supporting such a worthwhile organization?

    Remember, a thank you note isn’t just a show of manners. It’s your first step toward retaining this donor for the long run.

    That’s why feelings are important.

    How would you rate your organization’s thank you letters to donors?

    Are they warm and gracious? Or do they sound grand and lofty, like someone giving a speech?

    We expect your thank you’s can use some brushing up. Invariably, as fundraising consultants, we find that our clients are struggling with lame, tired sounding thank you notes. And they always ask us for help to create a killer thank you letter.

    Why are thank you letters so important?

    Because this note is your first communication to donors after they give, that’s why. It has the potential to give them confidence, build trust and make them happy that they gave to your cause.

    Your letter serves many purposes. It can:

    • Assure your nervous donor that they made a wise investment.
    • Make your donor feel like they did the right thing.
    • Help her feel joyful that they made the gift.

    But remember – warm, wonderful thank you letters are essential: It’s the first step in determining whether your donor stays loyal and renews their gift, or if they drop off and never give again.

    Today, here’s our checklist of 14 steps to a warm, wonderful, killer thank you letter – one that makes your donor feel confident that they made a wise choice. 

    1. Make your letter prompt.

    A prompt thank you note impresses your donor. They know you made them a priority. 

    It also indicates that your organization is well organized and well run. In this day of nervous donors, that gives you a significant leg up the next time you make a request.

    2. Make your letter feel personal.

    I like Penelope Burk’s suggestions from her landmark book, Donor Centered Fundraising. She lists 20 attributes of a great thank you letter that make it feel special and personal.

    So what does personal look like? This makes the letter feel like it came from a real person.

    • Use the first person: “I” and “we.”
    • Use the second person: “you,” “you” and “you” again. Count how many times you use the word “you.”
    • A warm tone toward the donor (vs. a lofty formal, distant tone.)
    • Casual writing – use contractions such as “We’ll” rather than “We will.”
    • Use an exclamation mark if appropriate.

    3. Start out in a personal way.

    Start with the salutation.

    Say: Dear Ms. Smith. Not: Dear Friend.

    Then try to think of a memorable or an unusual opening line. Never begin your letter with, “On behalf of…” You don’t want to lose the reader from the beginning.

    4. Use a warm tone.

    Does your letter really sound sincere? Or is it full of “nonprofit-speak” with formal words and phrases?

    Show yourself as a real person, and try to connect with the donor instead of staying so distant.

    5. Be emotional.

    Don’t bury it.  Giving is an emotional act by the donor. So it’s fine to wear your heart on your sleeve.

    Try to convey excitement about what can happen with the donor’s gift.

    Say things like:

    • “ I can’t begin to thank you enough for . . .”
    • “We are absolutely thrilled to have your support again this year.”
    • “Because of your gift, a family will . . .”
    • “You were wonderful to renew your support . . .”

    6. Thank smaller gifts warmly.

    Smaller gifts should also get warm, prompt, personal thank you’s.

    Remember, there are plenty of major gift prospects in your donor files who are giving you smaller gifts.

    Treat these donors well by sending them killer thank you letters that build confidence and trust.  Then they may reward you with repeat and larger gifts.

    7. Refer to the donor’s past support if you possibly can.

    Is your donor a sustaining donor making monthly gifts? 

    If possible, acknowledge the long term partnership your donor has with your organization.

    In fact, celebrate it!

    A donor will find it strange and off-putting if they have been giving to you for years and years and you don’t acknowledge it.

    8. Sign the letter personally and write a note at the bottom.

    You spent all that time writing notes on your appeal letters. By all means, also write a note on the thank you letter.

    Remember, the PS is the most-read part of your killer thank you letter. Make it count.

    9. Send more than one thank you letter.

    The old fundraising motto is: “Find seven ways to thank your donor, and they’ll give again.”

    For example, you can always ask different staffers to send an additional note.

    This small step could help your organization stand out among a sea of other organizations.

    10. Send an additional thank you letter from a board member.

    I know organizations that bring stationery to the board meetings and have board members hand-write letters.

    We highly recommend this strategy, because it helps connect trustees to the fundraising process.

    11. Have a high-ranking person personally sign the letter.

    The letter should be signed by the highest ranking person you can find – the chair of the board or a board member. It should not be signed by the wonderful, but lowly, development coordinator.

    You could also have the artistic director or a performer sign the letter. Or a teacher if you are a school. Or a field officer if you are an environmental organization.

    12. Send an additional thank you letter from a person helped by your organization.

    We can’t think of anything more powerful. Your donor is really giving to create an impact, so help them feel this directly.

    13. Reconfirm the purpose of the gift.

    If the gift is for the library, for example, say something about what the library plans to achieve with the gift.

    Most donors are worried that their gift will not be spent wisely.

    Acknowledging how the money will be spent is essential – it helps build trust.

    14. Include a contact name and number.

    Including contact info is good manners, and it makes the donor feel a person connection to your organization.

    For example, it would be the head of the library if that’s where the donor directed her gift.

    Bottom Line: How to Craft a Killer Thank You Letter

    Remember: your overall goal is to keep your donor giving and giving over many years. Your thank you letter is an essential first step in building a long and happy relationship of generous support from your donor.

    This is how you create a sustainable fundraising program – developing consistent and repeated gifts from loyal donors who are passionate about your work.

    Do’s and Don’ts

    Thank you letter DO’s

    • Be really, really prompt.
    • Get the donor’s name right.
    • Have a high-ranking person personally sign the letter.
    • Show some emotion.
    • Convey gratitude.
    • Refer to how the gift will be used.
    • Send several thank you notes from different people.
    • Include additional thank you letters from board members.
    • Send a thank you letter from someone helped by your organization.
    • Sign it with a real signature.
    • Be positive and upbeat.
    • Include a contact name and number if the donor has questions.
    • Handwrite it if you know the donor well.
    • Begin with an innovative or creative sentence that charms the donor.

    Thank You Letter DON’TS

    • Start out with “on behalf of.”
    • Ask for another gift.
    • Use thank you letter jargon: “we are deeply grateful for your continued support.”
    • Start out with Dear Friend.
    • Ask anything else from your donor right now.
    • Misspell their name.
    • Have errors in grammar, punctuation or misspellings.
    • Go on and on. Ditch the verbosity. Do be concise.
    • Keep selling.
    • Re-use copy that you used in the solicitation letter to talk about your programs.
    • Be formal. Or lofty.
    • Be vague about how the money will be used.
    • Sign it yourself if you can get a higher-ranking person to sign it.

    As always, sharing our weekly news and insights with you is a pleasure. 

    If your organization is planning a capital campaign – we can help. We’re with our clients every step of the way, inspiring their teams and board, building confidence, driving action and measuring success. Send an email to if you’d like to schedule a strategy or consulting call with us.

    Have you been searching for some inspiration in your work? We all need new ideas to keep our fundraising strategies fresh and current.  

    Attending the AFP ICON conference each year and interacting with colleagues always provides that for our team. So many creative and mission-minded people in one building!.. 

    We always like to bring back the latest fundraising ideas so we can share them with our community. Here are a few nuggets of wisdom to share with you and your team. 

    This year, I interviewed three smart colleagues about their favorite takeaways from the conference: 

    Takeaway #1: Use QR Codes to Connect Donors Directly To Your Donation Page

    Chad Barger of Productive Fundraising passed along some creative ways to use QR codes in your printed mailers and your digital appeals. It’s an easy way to connect donors to your donation page very very quickly. 

    What I like about it is that the QR code makes it easy and simple for the donor. You can trigger their interest and seize the opportunity with a fast invitation to give. Otherwise, you may lose them when they move on.

    For instance, you can place a QR code next to a photograph of a program you are promoting. The reader simply scans the QR code with their mobile device to go straight to a video of the program in action. When the video ends, the viewer is taken to a giving page to contribute to that program.

    Isn’t that brilliant?  Two of Chad’s clients have seen double-digit-percent increases in response to their campaigns, thanks to this approach. We’re sold!

    Takeaway #2: How to Handle Tough Questions from Donors

    I had an interesting discussion with Paula Attenfield, CEO of Stephen Thomas Ltd, a Canadian fundraising firm. Her new idea centered on how to respond when donors ask us uncomfortable or tough questions. For example, she mentioned that she sometimes gets questions like:

    “Why do you get paid so much?” or “Why are your development costs so high?

    Paula’s favorite session recommended a new strategy to redirect tough conversations. When a donor is inquiring about fundraiser’s work and why it costs so much, here’s how to redirect them. 

    Gently switch the topic to talk about the impact the organization is making. When you can focus a donor on what fundraising achieves and why we are doing all this work, you can change their point of view. 

    When we draw the listener into discussing our impact – what’s most important about the work we do – whether it’s curing cancer or finding homes for abandoned pets – many of those hard questions answer themselves.

    Takeaway #3: Target Appeals Based on a Donor’s Values, not Their Age.

    Sometimes, the main takeaway is something NOT to do. That was the case for our client,  Cathy McClain, Director of Individual Giving of WarmNC in Wilmington North Carolina. She was fascinated to learn that approaching donors based on their age or generation is not so very effective.

    We’ve all been to seminars on the differences in generations: Gen X vs Gen Z vs Boomers vs Millennials. And, in the past, we’ve been taught that we need to tailor our language and approaches based on their unique characteristics.

    New research shows that we need to do things differently. Instead, we should design our appeals to donors based on their personal values, not their age. What do they love? What do they believe in? Or what services they favored at your organization.

    For example, if a hospital wants to approach new parents who’ve recently had a baby, the fundraising team should talk about the OB and delivery rooms. 

    Or if someone has adopted a cat from an animal shelter, the agency should approach them based on the fact that they are “cat people” rather than “dog people.” 

    For a university – approach donors based on their field of study or their attendance at events.

    For a theatre – approach donors based on whether they are attending performances or not.   

    You can see that this approach allows you to tailor your appeal much more personally to the donors’  values and interests. 

    When we know the motivating factor behind someone’s giving, we can connect them to the program or campaign that fits. 

    That’s something we constantly remind our clients. After all, your donors are real people with passions and interests – not just a generational label. 

    Bottom Line: Fundraisers have so much to learn from one another.

    Make sure you’re finding places to grow and learn, whether by attending a conference or signing up for one of our coaching programs. It’s the best way to stay energized and continue building on your success.

    As always, it is a pleasure to share our weekly insights with you as we discuss essential fundraising strategies. If your organization is planning a capital campaign or expanding its major gifts program, we can help. Email to schedule a free strategy call with us.


    Nonprofit Fundraising Trends in 2024: Buckle Up What’s the Math?

    3 Questions Your Board Members Really Need to Know

    Capital Campaign Success: The #1 Ingredient You

    AFP ICON 2024

    bored nonprofit board | Gail Perry Group

    This happens to too many boards – they lose their enthusiasm and zip. It’s sad to see in board members who have their energy to create change and make a difference in the world. Every board needs board training!

    However, staff and board leaders can certainly change this situation using these 7 steps. What’s more, you’ll create happier board members as a result.

    Here is our recipe for creating change, renewing enthusiasm and firing up these wonderful volunteers who care so much about your cause. But staff and board leaders also have to assume some responsibility.

    Whether you are a staff member, manager, executive — or a board leader — the change will really start with you.  Be willing to be a spark plug of energy. Assume leadership if there is a void. Find a way to promote the idea of freshening things up and. . .  use these strategies to help.

    Here are our 7 Steps to Fire Up Your Board:

    1. Fire Up Their Passion by Asking Them To Share Their Personal Stories

    Board members are serving on your board for a reason. It’s probably a deep personal — even emotional — connection with your mission.

    Do you ever talk about it? Probably not. We have found that the quickest way to reengage board members’ passion for the cause is simply asking them to share their story of why they care.

    Tip: Asking people why they care can open the floodgates of energy and commitment – even bring people to tears. 

    2. Create Interesting Meetings

    Ah, the boring board meeting. Fate worse than death?

    Listening passively to presentation after presentation. Death by PowerPoint. There’s no interesting discussion. Or if there is a compelling discussion, it’s often on a trivial topic.

    Yes, we’ve all been there!

    Reorganize your agenda to put the boring topics last rather than first. Set a time limit on committee reports of only two minutes each. Create a consent agenda. Give your board chair training in meeting facilitation.

    Tip: Check out our post: “12 Ways to Liven Up Your Board Meeting.” 

    3. Clarify Their Roles and Scope

    Often board members are confused about their exact role as a trustee of an organization. When that happens, board members can easily veer off into operational issues rather than big-picture strategy.  

    It’s up to the staff leadership to guide the board. Help them determine what is appropriate for their attention and where they should steer clear. 

    Here’s the challenge: Based on variations in organizational culture, the organization’s history, and customs, often boards take on different scopes. For example, in smaller organizations, board members may assist in operational matters. In large organizations, board members tend to focus on building awareness and connections, external partnerships, and fundraising. 

    Tip: It’s appropriate for staff leaders to take charge and guide board leaders to clarity their roles. Everyone will be much happier and more productive. 

    4. Educate Your Board About Your Fundraising Program

    Often board members have no idea how your organization raises money. They often don’t understand the ROI of fundraising, the concept of donor retention, and how they can help.

    However, when board members are educated, then they will be much more helpful. Above all, they will be able to make far better strategy and budgetary decisions. 

    Consider educating them on where the money comes from, AND where the money goes. Once they know the facts, they often get fired-up.

    Try setting up these discussion questions:

    • Why does it cost so much?
    • Why do we need to spend money on this or that?
    • How much does it cost to help one kid (clean one stream, present one performance, etc.).

    And the most important question your board members need to know is “What do we need the MOST but can’t afford?”

    Tip: When board members understand the urgency and the numbers, they might be calling everyone they know to help. (We’ve seen it happen.)

    5.  Decide on Action Items

    What do your board members need to “do” in order to be good board members?

    Simply attend meetings and offer their judgment and opinions?

    We like to see board members equipped with the actions they are supposed to take.

    Whether it is calling five donors to say thank you, or introducing five new people to your organization, or selling five tickets, or opening the door to an important connection, or advocating for your nonprofit at a community forum, or researching roofers so you can get a new roof donated — there’s lots they can do.

    Tip: Send board members out the door with a clear idea of what they need to do between now and the next board meeting.

    6. Give Board Members What They Want

    Want to give board members a “terrific experience?” If you do, you’ll be rewarded with enthusiasm, energy and lots more engagement.

    What do board members really want? June Bradham’s research in her book “The Truth About What Nonprofit Boards Really Want” shared some mind-blowing insights.

    Ms. Bradham found that board members want to:

    • Work with people who are as passionate and excited about the organization as they are.
    • Feel that their time is used wisely.
    • Get their hands dirty with real work.
    • Meet the other board members.

    If one of the top things board members want is to meet the other board members, then we recommend more social time. That’s why coffees and lunches before and after meetings are so important.

    Social time helps foster closer personal relationships among your board members, and a sense of trust among them all. Then they can function better as a team or a committee.

    Tip: Give your board members some meaningful work that will actually help your organization.  

    7. Personally Take Charge 

    Staff and board leaders really can step up and provide guidance to the rest of the trustees. They can gently lead everyone to focus on what’s most important, and stay away from the trivial. 

    Lighten up. When you talk about fundraising or any strategy, see if you can smile. Show everyone that fundraising is not something to be feared. 

    Model the energy that you want your board to have. Be a spark plug of energy and enthusiasm – it can be contagious. 

    Bottom Line: Try Out These 7 Steps

    Take the responsibility to rev up the energy and enthusiasm of your board.

    Try these ideas and see what erupts. We’ve tested these strategies, and they really do work!

    As always, it is a pleasure to share our weekly news and insights as we discuss new fundraising trends. 

    If your organization is planning a capital campaign or launching a major gifts program – we can help. Send an email to if you’d like to schedule a free strategy call with us.


    Year-end is the most productive time of the year for fundraising. So let’s take advantage of the generosity this season and make sure you bring in the year-end gifts to meet your fundraising goal.

    Some fundraisers shy away from their donors in December. On the contrary, we think you need to be visible. It’s important to ask them if they’d like to consider a leadership annual gift.

    This one activity could make the largest difference in your year-end fundraising results.

    Here are two terrific reasons to invite your major donors to make an annual gift – at any time of the year.

    1. Participating in the annual campaign will create an even deeper connection with your organization.

    Recognizing them as leadership annual donors sets up these lovely people to be THE philanthropic leaders in your stakeholder community.

    Now you have more access to them: you are able to honor them as the true VIP’s that they are.  Even more, you can use the annual gift opportunity to engage them and bring them even closer to your organization.

    So the year-end annual gift is important. It becomes yet another step in their cultivation and engagement – leading to a much, much larger major or campaign gift.

    Their ongoing participation promotes “buy-in” on their part. Even though they might help with a campaign gift later, they can enjoy their relationship with you right now.

    Above all, you want to make their annual gift an “Occasion of Joy and Celebration” on BOTH your part and your donors.  You have the chance to make your donor feel joyful about their gift and their overall relationship with your cause.

    Don’t miss this special opportunity!

    2. These year-end gifts are super easy to close.

    Why are these the easy gifts? It’s because these donors are pre-sold. You won’t need to educate them, or spend a lot of time developing a close relationship, because it already exists.

    Above all, at year-end, focusing here is the most productive place for you to put your energy.  Especially if you evaluate the return on your investment of time.

    And if you consider the annual gifts that all your major donors might consider, it adds up.  We bet it could be a substantial part of your year-end fundraising goal.

    All fundraisers know that it is the higher dollar donors who make the most difference in our totals. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to zoom over your year-end goal with some easy, large gifts? :)

    It’s not too late to make it happen.

    Here’s our simple call to action:

    • Identify your top 10-15 major gift donors who have not yet made a gift this year – and connect with them.
    • Find out what is on their minds and invite them to support your organization this year with an annual gift.
    • Spending your time with these funding sources is clearly the absolute best place for you to be in late December. So connect with these wonderful donors who already believe in you and have supported you in the past.
    • Spend your time where the pockets are the deepest, if you want to raise the money you need.

    Bottom line on year-end gifts:

    If you don’t do anything else in your year-end campaign, you must do this. Visit with your major donors and invite them to invest in your cause.

    Looking for more support on equipping your team to close record-breaking major gifts? The 2024 Major Gift Intensive is open for enrollment – click here to learn more or book a discovery call.

    Just imagine: what if you had a new way to increase visibility and make new friends for your cause?

    Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you had an authentic and impactful way to help donors get to know your work, build trust and establish meaningful connections with your leadership?

    Then consider the power of a no-ask friendmaking event like a Porch Party.

    Don’t miss our free webinar on June 7th,

    “Unleash the Power of Porch Parties to Gain New Friends, Supporters, and Donors!”

    You’ll discover how to stage the ultimate summer Porch Party friendraising event!

    Count me in!

    Even more, social gatherings for your cause can foster a wonderful sense of community.

    Let’s explore how a Porch Party can help you build trust and ignite interest in your cause:

    1. Getting to Know Your Organization:

    Count me in!

    A Porch Party provides a welcoming and intimate environment for donors to engage with your leaders on a personal level.

    By hosting a relaxed social gathering, you create a space where conversations among people can flow naturally, allowing attendees to get to know you. They can also gain firsthand insights into the mission, impact, and values of your organization.

    As they learn more about your cause and understand your work, typically, people’s interest will begin to grow. Before you know it, you’ve just made a new “friend” for your organization.

    In this webinar, we’ll share our tips to engage your attendees in discussions about your mission.

    2. Establishing Authentic Connections:

    There’s another reason we like Porch Parties: a casual social gathering can create the space to foster authentic connections between potential donors and your cause.

    By inviting potential supporters to engage in conversations, share stories, and forge friendships, you help to create a sense of belonging and purpose. And that is surely a lovely thing.

    This is what we mean when we talk about engaging donors – you are helping them forge personal connections with your work.

    As attendees connect with others who share their interests, they’ll also connect more deeply with your cause. This fosters a bond based on shared values and common goals.

    All this happens before you ever ask for a gift.

    In our June 7th webinar, we’ll share why friendmaking is a powerful fundraising strategy.

    3. Building Relationships that Inspire Support

    Just remember: Successful fundraising is based on meaningful relationships with donors. And most importantly, these relationships are based on trust and understanding.

    A Porch Party allows you to go beyond the transactional aspect of fundraising and move into cultivating genuine connections.

    When you nurture donor relationships, and demonstrate your organization’s community-wide impact, you inspire donors to contribute willingly. They can move on to become long-term advocates for your cause.

    Making Friends First.

    The Porch Party motto is “Make friends first.”

    First, you help donors get to know your cause and build their trust in your organization.

    Then, later, you invite them to donate. First things first.

    When you prioritize relationship-building and focus on genuine connections, you create a solid foundation for long-term donor engagement.

    Just imagine: your donors and prospects are becoming more familiar with your cause. They’re beginning to witness the impact of your work. And above all, they are building trust in your organization.

    At that point, they’ll be more inclined to contribute willingly and wholeheartedly. You are “attracting” donors rather than “pitching donors.”

    Your Next Porch Party Is a Platform for Building Trust and Inspiring Support.

    Remember, a Porch Party is not just a social gathering; it’s a platform for building trust, fostering connections, and inspiring support.

    Make each Porch Party gathering a memorable experience. You can showcase your organization’s values, its mission, and, most of all, your dedication to creating positive change.

    We want you to embrace the power of Porch Parties to make new friends for your organization. New friends who will become deeply engaged donors.

    In the June 7th webinar, we’ll share the best format for the program at a Porch Party.

    BOTTOM LINE: A small social gathering is a perfect way to create a welcoming atmosphere for new friends.

    You can let the porch become a stage for meaningful conversations and relationships that will propel your cause forward. Hope to see you there!

    How to Get Ready for a Capital Campaign

    What does it take to really be ready to start a capital campaign?

    Often we see board members and leaders chomping at the bit to move quickly. And we hear from some fundraisers that they feel pushed to get going and start asking for lead gifts as soon as possible.

    Your smart plan sets up the dominoes so they will fall nicely in place.

    Your smart plan sets up the dominoes so they will fall nicely in place.

    However, caution ahead: your organization may not be ready for our advice: Slow down and get organized now so that you can move ahead quickly later. You do not want to be charging ahead without doing your research and due diligence!

    There are many steps to take in order to be ready for a capital campaign. Planning now will create a successful campaign.

    Here are key steps you need to work through BEFORE you launch into the silent phase of your campaign.

    1.   Decide your scope.  What exactly will you be raising money for?

    This sounds obvious, doesn’t it? But it’s not.

    Does your organization need a new building? If so, then consider this:

    • Where will the building be, and how much will the land cost?
    • Do you have a simple schematic design?
    • Do you have an idea of what the actual construction (or renovation) will cost?
    • What about the cost of building permits, new furniture, etc.?

    Also, will there be additional items that your leadership may want to include in your capital campaign financial objectives?

    • What about funding for endowment?
    • Or a special building maintenance fund or money for equipment?
    • What about including start-up costs for any new programs?

    It’s important to identify all the different “funding objectives” or purposes that your campaign might include – well in advance. This is not a quick – or simple – process, to be sure.

    2.  Get a rough idea of your possible capital campaign financial goal.

    Once your team has a sense of the proposed capital campaign’s funding objectives, they can begin putting some numbers next to each funding objective.

    Once that is accomplished, they can develop a “working” campaign goal. Go ahead and set a preliminary working goal as soon as you can.

    This is a key starting place for your campaign planning.

    Estimating the financial aspect of the campaign is an important step forward. Once you start talking numbers, you’ll find a sweet spot: a number that impresses people but doesn’t make them gasp at your foolishness.

    Regarding your financial aspirations – remember that a little foolishness is not all that bad.  It’s much easier to come down later than it is to go up, so it’s a good idea to reach on the high side at the beginning.

    3.  Break down the potential capital campaign goal by gift amounts.

    It’s essential for you to lay out your potential gifts in a Gift Range Chart. This little chart will be a remarkable planning tool for you and help you prepare for a capital campaign when the right time comes.

    Based on your preliminary working campaign goal, create a chart that will show how many gifts you’ll need in what sizes to reach that goal.

    What’s more, who do you think will be the donors who will step up with lead gifts for the campaign? You’ll want to evaluate the size of your potential campaign prospect pool:

    • How many gifts of one million will you need? Where will they come from? Or, if you have a large campaign goal, how many ten-million-dollar gifts do you think you’ll need?
    • How many of $500,000? And $250,000?
    • How much in smaller amounts will you need to cover what your major donors don’t provide?

    Know that a gift range chart for the same goal will vary from organization to organization. Why? Because it really depends on the size of your prospect list and the potential of your largest donors.

    4.     Get your board on board.

    To be ready for a capital campaign, you’ll want to be absolutely sure that your board is well-informed about campaign strategy, donor prospects, and potential for your campaign.

    Your board needs to:

    • Understand how capital campaigns work.  Major gift and capital campaign strategy is not always intuitive. Your leaders need to understand that it takes time and a lot of nurturing to close huge gifts. That’s why we slow down now, to go fast later.
    • All must agree on the campaign objectives and scope.  You can’t go forward if there is dissent about whether to do a campaign and what it will require from the board and the organization.
    • Be willing to make the investment in infrastructure that will be required to support the campaign. This money won’t just walk in the door! It takes extra staff, extra events, extra PR, and a ton of work.

    5.  Involve your most important donors in your capital campaign planning.

    Many people ask us, “When can we approach our major donors about the campaign?”

    We recommend that you engage major donors at the very beginning – when your campaign is just an idea.

    It’s always a great strategy to involve your major supporters, while the campaign is simply an idea. As your ideas evolve, get their support early on, particularly in the planning process. You could even invite their input into your plan.

    You get the idea.

    Don’t keep your most important donors at arm’s length through the planning process – instead, use your planning phase to draw them in. The pre-planning phase is a wonderfully exciting time to involve your donor prospects.

    Bottom Line: How to Start a Capital Campaign

    Pre-planning now will help you save time and money and have your campaign on the early road to success!

    As always, it is a pleasure to share our weekly insights with you as we cover important fundraising strategies. 

    If your organization is planning a capital campaign or expanding your major gifts program – we can help. Send an email to if you’d like to schedule a free strategy call with us.

    How to Write a Fundraising Appeal Letter That Brings in the Money

    110 Tips to Raise More Money from Your Solicitation Letter for Donations

    How to write an solicitation letter that will open our donors’ hearts and prompt them to make generous gifts?

    So many nonprofits struggle with this challenge. And unfortunately, many efforts to write appeal letters end up falling flat with donors.

    Why are solicitation letters so important?

    Fundraising solicitation letters are the backbone of your annual fundraising campaigns that your nonprofit absolutely relies on.

    Many annual giving programs include direct mail integrated with social media and digital appeals to create a true campaign. These tips focus mostly on the direct mail solicitation package, but they also apply directly to digital appeals as well.

    Your Annual Donors

    Your annual donors are very special people – they’re the foundation of a sustainable fundraising program. These donors produce a revenue stream that your organization can rely on year after year.

    Large gifts are coming in too. Believe it or not, we are seeing more and more four, five, and even six-figure gifts coming in thru regular direct mail and digital fundraising campaigns.

    Smaller donors are so important!

    Direct mail and digital campaigns typically focus on smaller gifts. These campaigns can also trigger monthly pledges and even (surprise!) estate gifts.

    Since these are some of the most important communications vehicles your organization will ever have, let’s nail your next appeal campaign.

    Caveat: These are basic tips that form the very basis of good solicitation campaigns. Try using this tip sheet as a checklist for your next appeal campaign.

    Raise all the money you need by following these very basic, best practice tips:

    THE BIG PICTURE – Top 10 Tips

    1. Use the same fundraising solicitation message and call to action in your mail solicitations, on your website, and in your email appeals –this reinforces your message over and over.
    2. Focus more on your donor and what they may want to accomplish. Focus less on your own organization’s accomplishments and needs.
    3. The appeal letter or message can have only one objective: a clear ask for support. It is not a newsletter, an end-of-year report, an update, or mixed in with other communications.
    4. Your top priority is always to renew your past donors. They are your customer base – your “money in the bank.” Don’t let them slip away. 
    5. Be sure to communicate with your donors frequently between solicitations so they are up to date-and feel connected to your organization. How well you stay in touch with your donors will determine whether they give again.
    6. Maintain control. Don’t let a committee approve or edit your letter. If you let well-meaning but unknowledgeable people help write your appeal, they will ruin it. Too many cooks really do spoil the stew.
    7. Update your website and make your donation page easy to use. Many donors who receive a snail mail letter will go to your website to make their gift. Be ready to welcome them there with an easy-to-follow online donation process.
    8. Create an entire campaign. Use phone, postcards, letters, emails, and social media to build a series of appeals. Don’t rely on only one letter to do the work for you.
    9. Create a budget and look at it as an investment. Know that, if well executed, your direct mail/digital program should yield a 400% return. That is, if you invest $20k in these communications to your donors, you should receive $80k back.
    10. Never, ever neglect your paper snail mail fundraising appeal letters. People are experiencing deluges of email and very little snail mail. That means that paper letters stand out far more than a digital appeal in a crowded mailbox. Paper letters get your donors’ attention.

    How to Write a Solicitation Letter: Draw Your Donors in at the Beginning

    1. Very important: use the word “you” immediately in the first sentence or two of your appeal.
    2. Your goal in the letter’s first part is to get your reader’s attention.
    3. Consider starting with a story to draw your readers in.
    4. Make your first two sentences so compelling that your donor will want to keep reading. (You can easily lose them in the very beginning.)
    5. Consider a short, sad story that transforms into a happy one. The sad emotion is what will pull on your donors’ heartstrings.
    1. Be sure to thank donors for their past support early in the letter. It reminds them of their partnership with you.
    2. Pretend you are writing to your grandmother. The most generous group of donors are the older ladies. A recent study found that for every $100 men gave, women gave $258.
    1. Don’t use a lot of photography and fancy layout in your letter or accompanying materials. Too much design makes it much less personal.
    2. If you use any pictures, be sure they are of people, not buildings. It’s what happens inside the buildings that counts.

    How to Write an Solicitation Letter: Make Your Tone Personal and Informal

    1. Always (of course) send out personalized letters. (Dear Mr. Smith, rather than Dear Friend). Make sure your letter is really addressed to the reader.
    2. Write to only one person and not a group of people. Emphasize your one-on-one connection with the reader. Don’t use “you” in the plural sense.
    3. Use contractions – it’s less formal. Formal does not work!
    4. Make your letter as personal and conversational in tone as you can. Make it sound like you sat down and wrote it to a friend. 
    5. Repeat the word “you” frequently: it’s the most important word in your letter.
    6. Use the word “I” in the letter to make it more personal and friendly. It does wonders in changing your tone from “institutional” to “personal.”
    7. Always make your appeal letter about the donor – not about your organization. Help your donors imagine what they can achieve with their gifts.

    Write a Fundraising Solicitation Letter and Create a Dynamite Case for Giving

    1. Talk about opportunities – it’s never about your needs. “We have the opportunity to . . .”
    2. Make your message emotional. Donors give out of emotion, then justify it with logic.
    1. Use stories in your copy but only one story. One story is more powerful than three stories. (~Tom Ahern)
    2. Make your story SHORT but powerful. It can even be a one-sentence story such as, “Monday morning, little Jenny woke up, hungry again.”
    3. Flatter your donor: Tom Ahern says that you should ask (and flatter your donor) and you thank (and flatter) and report (and flatter.) Neuromarketing studies say that flattery WILL make your donor love you more.
    4. Can you share measurable results of what you have achieved with other donors’ gifts? Give it a try. (~Penelope Burk)
    5. DON’T use the words “programs” or “services” any more than you have to. They are boring and too generic.
    6. Repeat the need and its urgency – several times in the letter. That’s your case for support!
    7. Use statistics to build credibility and make the cause more concrete.

    How to Write a Solicitation Letter That Your Donors Will Actually Read

    Assume your reader will . . .

    “pick up the four-page letter, look at their name in the salutation, flip over to the P.S., then shuffle the letter around in their hands, maybe start reading here, maybe start reading someplace else, jump around a bit, and then, after this ragged scanning, MAYBE start reading at the beginning.” (~Happy donors blog)

    1. Make your letter easy to skim and still deliver its message.
    2. Break up your fundraising letter copy in every way possible. Use headings. Use bullets. Vary the indentation. Use boldface type. Use ellipses . . .
    3. What will your reader really see? Artwork: 80%; photos: 75%; headlines: 56%; captions: 29%; and very little text! (~Tom Ahern)
    4. Have plenty of white space on the letter, which makes it easy to read. Wide margins will help.
    5. VERBS matter: Use snappy action verbs that convey action.
    6. Use the present tense. Never use the passive voice when you can use the active voice. (~George Orwell). I.e.: “People are being helped.”
    7. Use short, concise sentences and paragraphs. Vary the length of your sentences and paragraphs for interest.
    8. Write choppy, jumpy, repetitive copy. (see the reader’s profile above) (~Jeff Brooks)
    9. Very short paragraphs: No more than three sentences per paragraph.
    10. Very short sentences: No more than 6 to 8 words in each sentence.
    11. Write on the 5th-grade level for easy reading. (like these tips.)
    12. Use a type large enough to read easily. 12 point type is the minimum size for fundraising material. The average age of a donor in a “house file” is 67. The average age requiring reading glasses is 43 yrs old.
    13. Eliminate every possible word – including adjectives and descriptive phrases – in your copy. “If it is possible to cut a word out, cut it out.” (~George Orwell)
    14. Write your letter. Then remove the first paragraph and see if it isn’t stronger. You don’t need a long preamble. (~Tom Ahern)
    15. Longer letters with more pages are more successful than one-page letters. The letter needs to be as long as it takes. Don’t make it too short. (~Harvey McKinnon)

    How to Create a Killer Ask in Your Solicitation Letter or Email Appeal

    1. Make the ask an “invitation” to give.
    2. Tell your donor explicitly.
    • Why this organization? Why this program?  Why NOW?  Why me?

         If your letter doesn’t lay this out, go back to the drawing board.

    1. Your call to action is the most important part of your letter. Make it clear to donors what you want them to do. And repeat it!
    2. Give the donor something worth doing that is easy to do. “Restore sight for $25.” (~Tom Ahern)
    3. Use the MPI formula to ask: Please consider a gift of $ MONEY for a specific PROJECT that will create a specific IMPACT.
    4. Ask several times in the letter. It’s ok! Especially if it is a long letter – you can ask 4 or 5 times.
    5. Explicitly tell your donor exactly what THEY can accomplish with their gift. And tell them HOW you will spend the money – what project, what purpose. (~Penelope Burk)
    6. Make your ask as specific as possible. Donors will give more if they feel their gift is going to something specific. 
    7. Use a matching or challenge gift opportunity and tell your donors it will make their gifts go further. Play up the concept of “leveraging your donor’s gift.”
    8. Always ask for a specific amount or “the largest contribution you can make.”
    9. Place your ask in the first part of a paragraph. Don’t bury your ask at the end of a sentence or paragraph – it will get missed.
    10. Don’t ask for a “gift”. Ask instead for an investment, a contribution, for help, or to supply something special. (Mal Warwick) Also ask the donor to “become a supporter” – this plays on the concept of “donor identity.”
    11. Create a sense of urgency by asking for an immediate contribution or asking for help with an urgent or critical situation.
    12. Use please such as “Please send your gift today” or “Please consider a leadership contribution of xxx.”
    13. Give the donor a deadline for responding and a reason for the deadline.
    14. Give the donor the option not to give. Recent studies have found this increases donor response. Say:
    • Please don’t feel obligated…
    • Whether you give is entirely your choice…
    • Any amount you want to give will help…
    • You are free to say no — I will understand…

    Tips to Upgrade Your Annual Donors

    1. Focus on more frequent gift opportunities each year as a way to upgrade your donors to higher giving levels.
    2. Establish a monthly giving program. People who give monthly will give much, much more.
    3. Use gift clubs to encourage higher-level donations. Ask donors to move up to the next level.
    4. When you ask for an upgraded gift: talk about an increased or enhanced partnership with the donor.

    Tips to Raise More From your Top Donors

    1. Be sure to send your Top Donors special, custom-tailored personal letters and digital appeals.
    2. Have board and staff members write or visit top donors personally with an individualized appeal.
    3. Thank them in the opening sentence for their continuing and steadfast support. Emphasize their partnership with your cause.
    4. Be sure these donors get many warm, personal touches during the year!
    5. Come right out and ask these donors to make a “leadership gift.”

    Create a Full-Scale Campaign and Schedule your Mailings

    1. Set up a calendar of digital and mail communications and plan ahead. Echo the same theme and ask throughout all the communications.
    1. Segment your mailing list and mail personalized appeals to specially targeted groups. (i.e., past donors, volunteers, people who have attended your auction, corporate sponsors, board members, and past board members.)
    2. Mail to donors more often than nondonors. 
    3. Track your LYBUNTS (people who gave “Last Year but Unfortunately Not This”) and send them repeated, cheerful and enthusiastic appeals to be sure they renew. Once a donor has given for two straight years, they are likely to remain a donor for the long run. 
    1. Develop a series of appeals to SYBUNTS. (People who gave “Some Year But Unfortunately Not This Year”). “We’ve missed you!”
    2. The letters you send to your LYBUNTS and SYBUNTS should remind them of their past support and remind them how much they have helped create your success. (“We love you, we miss you, we want you back!”)

    Followup Makes A Huge Difference

    1. Send a follow-up letter a few weeks after your appeal: “We didn’t hear from you, and we hope you will remain a supporter.
    2. Studies show that follow-up letters are the most important factor in securing the donor’s gift. (Mal Warwick)
    3. Follow-up letters need to be short and play on urgency and emotions.
    4. Write your follow-up letter at the same time you write the first letter.
    5. Organize the board members to make phone calls to follow up appeals to donors.  You can’t lose by following up with a personal call.

    How to Welcome New Donors

    1. Your brand-new donors are the least likely group to renew next year. Only 23% of new donors will typically renew. (~Bloomerang data). Go all out to welcome them!
    2. So, create a dynamite welcome packet for new donors. This will help them renew when the time comes to ask again.
    3. Craft an ENTIRE special thank you and communication program for first-time donors. Celebrate the beginning of this partnership!
    4. Invite new donors to get involved. Move quickly to develop the relationship to keep them on your bandwagon.
    5. Go all out to welcome online donors just like your mail donors. New online donors are even less likely to renew their gifts than paper donors. Don’t let them fall thru the cracks.

    Sharpen Up Your Website

    1. Include your website address in the snail mail appeal. Even when they give with a check in the mail, donors will probably check out your website.
    2. Use different landing pages and URLs to track donors’ responses to individual appeals and campaigns. It’s easy, and it’s important.
    3. From a donor’s perspective, the most important page on your website is “your gift at work.

    Direct Mail: Create a Mailing Packet That Brings Results

    1. Size matters. Try larger sizes to get your reader’s attention. Or smaller sizes.
    2. Everything in your mailing should be easy to read and understand.
    3. Your direct mail packet should include four pieces:
    • The solicitation letter
    • A reply/pledge card
    • A return envelope for the reply card
    • The outside envelope.
    1. Your outside envelope needs to grab your reader’s attention. Put something attention-getting or startling on the outside. NOT a self-serving tagline, though.
    1. Try bright colors. Target Marketing says, “Using standard #10 white envelopes will guarantee a low response rate unless you are giving away money.”
    2. Always include a return envelope. It is critically important to make sure it is easy for people to give.
    3. Be sure your mailing label is attractive and not full of computerized numbers. A “mass market” look to your mailing label can immediately put your letter in the trash.
    4. The reply slip needs to stand out in the package.
    5. Put a headline on the reply card, such as “Yes! I want to help!”
    6. Don’t give your donor more than four choices to consider. More than that will drive your donor away.
    7. Use checkboxes on your reply slip rather than fill in the blanks.
    8. But limit the amount of information you request. The more boxes on the reply card, the more confusing it is to your donor. If you confuse your donor, she will likely abandon your donation card.
    9. Make sure there is room for handwriting on the reply card. Don’t make your donor cramp to write on your card.
    10. Make the reply card paper easy to write on. And remember to have a large font so your donor doesn’t have to reach for her reading glasses!
    11. Circle the amount you are requesting from the donor on the reply card.
    12. Don’t forget to ask for recurring monthly donations!

    Now use this list as a checklist – review your mailing program against it and highlight the tips you need to implement.

    GOOD LUCK, and may you raise tons of money!


    Top Capital Campaign Trends (1)

    Capital campaigns are everywhere these days. Despite a murky economic outlook, nonprofits large and small are moving forward with big fundraising goals and high dollar campaigns.

    We’re seeing some interesting new capital campaign trends among our clients, based on learnings and practices developed during the recent pandemic.  As we’ve found with many of our clients, a few strategic efforts can help your capital campaign  be a booming success.

    Most high-net-worth donors have done well over the past few years, and many of them may be ready to move forward and discuss how they can help – even in an uncertain economy. Here’s how you can take advantage of these current capital campaign trends to reach your campaign goal:

    1. More Transparent Messaging

    We are seeing a strong trend toward more specific, much more transparent communications with major donors. Organizations that share their status openly and honestly with their donors are receiving more support.

    All along, donors have shared that they dislike formal, lofty language from the organizations they support. All the acronyms and nonprofit speak puts them off and dampens their enthusiasm.

    During the recent pandemic, we found nonprofits talking about their work very differently. Our clients were frank with their supporters. They were sharing exactly what is going on financially and what they really needed. As a result, donors responded generously.

    Transparent Messaging Yields a $1 Million Gift!

    Here’s a terrific example: our Major Gift Intensive client, Historic Columbus. was very worried about their dramatic drop in contributions during the pandemic.

    We suggested to Executive Director Elizabeth Walden, that she select 20 major donors for a special monthly “Insider” communication. And she implemented our advice quickly. Moving forward, she sent out a friendly, informal update on how the organization was faring during the shutdown.

    One important point: She was upfront about the organization’s dire financial situation, but her tone was brave and businesslike.

    A few months later, out of the blue, one of these donors suddenly gifted $40,000. The donor explained that he appreciated her frequent communications and the transparency she showed in being perfectly open about the organization’s financial status.

    And, a year later, another donor up and made a $1,000,000 gift! The donor also thanked her for her openness, transparency, and frequent communication. Elizabeth said she almost fell on the floor when her donor came forward with such a generous gift.

    Capital campaign trend takeaway: When your financial situation shifts – or when you have a major opportunity like a capital campaign – it is more important than ever to be transparent with your donors.

    2. More Straightforward Conversations with Donors

    Post-pandemic, the events and meetings are now back to a regular schedule. However, during the pandemic, we saw some new trends emerging that seem to be taking hold for good. Or at least we hope so!

    Back during the shutdown, we were forced into absolutely direct conversations with our donors. No more oblique dancing around with meetings, lunches and social events.

    We are training our clients to move right along with their donors and find out what they are interested in. Be ready to ask your donors in a very straightforward manner:

    “Could you see yourself becoming more involved with our work?”

    “Would you like to know more about how you can help?

    As a result, our clients are saving so much time by finding out quickly which donors are interested, and which ones are not.

    Capital campaign trend takeaway: It’s easy to find your most passionate supporters by asking a few direct questions.

    3. Donors are Ready to Discuss Their Gifts Early in the Campaign

    In an environment where you have some donors who are feeling wealthy, you actually can move forward quickly. When nonprofits directly discuss their needs, opportunities and vision with donors, good things can happen quickly.

    For example, our campaign clients are seeing extraordinary results with one simple question:

    “Would this be a good time to discuss your support of our campaign?”

    This polite question is usually easy to ask. For instance, one of our clients closed a $100,000 gift the first time she asked this question. The next time she asked it, she closed a $250,000 gift.

    Note that both of these gifts came in without a formal campaign ask. We just coached her to look for the right signals and then be ready to pose the question gently. Note: she was on the phone or Zoom for both of these conversations – in a digital format.

    Takeaway: You can close major campaign gifts by asking your donor about their timing. Many of your donors are more ready than you may think.

    4. Taking Advantage of Non-Cash Gifts

    Real estate, valuables, and investments have grown substantially in value over the past decade. And, when donors are “feeling” wealthier, we will know that they are much more likely to make larger gifts.

    Remember, most of the wealth in the US and Canada is NOT held in cash bank accounts. Instead, it’s held in some type of investment.  We find that so many campaign and major gift fundraisers forget to consider a donor’s capital assets.

    So, it’s always, always a smart move to remind donors about the benefits of giving non-cash gifts, such as appreciated stock. Not only can donors avoid capital gains taxes, but they can also gain significant tax deductions from their charitable contributions.

    For example, a donor purchased stocks for an average $100 per share, investing a total of $10,000. Ten years later, the stocks could now be worth $280/share. The donor’s original investment is now worth $28,000. That’s a whopping gain!

    By making the gift of the fully appreciated stock, the donor avoids capital gains taxes and gets to help their favorite organization with a significant campaign gift.

    Takeaway: Because of stock market growth in the past 5-6 years, many donors have extensive paper profits from their investments these days.  Don’t forget to inquire gently about giving with assets other than cash.

    Bottom Line: Top Capital Campaign Trends

    Take advantage of these new capital campaign trends. Look for opportunities for non-cash gifts. Be willing to be transparent, direct and straightforward with your donors. You’ll see terrific results.

    Don’t forget we are happy to arrange a free campaign strategy call if you are in the process of planning a capital campaign. Just email us at