Major Gifts from donors are a crucial component of successful fundraising efforts for nonprofit organizations. These gifts, typically larger in size, are given by individual donors or foundations who are passionate about the cause and have the financial capacity to make significant contributions. Major Gifts play a pivotal role in the sustainability and growth of nonprofits, allowing them to carry out their mission and make a substantial impact in their communities.

Find below our articles about Major Gifts best practices.

How Major Gift Fundraising is Like Being Mother of the Bride

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Being mother of the bride has been an experience in "letting go." And it reminds me of how I have had to "let go" with some major donor prospects. Because they just wouldn't, wouldn't focus on what I wanted them to fund! Let me tell you the…

Three Easy Secrets to Major Gift Success

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Major gifts programs can become a money-raising machine for your wonderful cause. Here are three secrets that will dramatically improve your results from your fundraising activities and events. 1. Narrow, narrow, narrow down your focus. Restrict…

Count Your Blessings and Appreciate Your Donors at Thanksgiving

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It's the week of Thanksgiving here in the U.S. and we are counting our blessings. As you consider what you are thankful for, perhaps you might remember your DONORS - the wonderful people who make the work of your organization possible. I think…

Step-by-Step Cultivation Moves for Your Major Gift Prospect

Try these cultivation moves with major gifts prospects. They can help build your donors' enthusiasm, engagement and gifts.

4 Steps to a Transformational Gift

Transformational gifts are the most amazing gifts of all. They are largest and most significant gift an individual will ever make. Isn't securing a transformational gift your ultimate dream? These gifts bring funding that can completely transform…

Show Me the Money: How to Move From Friendraising to Fundraising

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In my regular column I write for the Guidestar newsletter, a smart reader sent me the $64,000 question: "All your talk about "friendraising" is great, but show me the money! My organization needs funding right now!" You're exactly right to focus…