A capital campaign is a strategic and comprehensive fundraising effort by nonprofit organizations to raise significant sums of money for a specific project or purpose.

Find our articles about capital campaign fundraising best practices below.

We Give Thanks To You

A Message To You Yesterday was Thanksgiving in the U.S., a time to give thanks for what we have. It felt a little different this year.  2020 has thrown a lot of challenges our way. Maybe it feels like we’d rather wish away 2020…

What Can Go Wrong with a Capital Campaign in a Pandemic?

You might be planning a campaign for 2021, or you may be in a major campaign right now. What can go wrong? Capital campaigns, as we all know, are huge undertakings. They are full of risks, rewards and mega gifts, too. And sometimes capital…

How a Capital Campaign Planning Committee Develops Lead Donor Relationships

If you’re planning a capital campaign, you are very likely evaluating your fundraising potential.  How much can you raise? Who will be your major funding sources? Would a Capital Campaign Planning Committee help you raise more?   A…

The Pandemic and Fundraising: What to Expect and How to Prepare

Note, this article was written in March 2020! One of the major issues on everyone’s mind today is the coronavirus outbreak. Many people are worried and uncertain about what to expect. Smart nonprofits are concerned how all this uncertainty…

The ArtsCenter: A Capital Campaign Success Story

Around eight or so years ago the ArtsCenter in Carrboro, North Carolina, looked for the stars to align for a big new project. A well-loved community organization for decades, the organization needed a new home. For more than 45 years,…

Every Fundraiser’s Goldmine: The Database– 5 Ways to Find Big Potential Right at Your Fingertips

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Here’s a post by my colleague Dr. Kathryn Gamble, our data expert: Finding big gift potential is on everyone’s mind these days.  Who doesn’t want to raise more money for their missions? What do you need to know to find your major…

Step-by-Step Guide to a Major Capital Campaign Ask

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What does it take to close a major capital campaign gift? Clearly such a major undertaking takes a skilled, nuanced approach to the donor. Here are the step you need to follow, if you want to close major gifts and capital campaign…

How to Create an Inspirational Nonprofit Case Statement

This post is by Dr. Kathryn Gamble, senior consultant with Gail Perry Associates Your case statement is the backbone of your fundraising program. Why? Your nonprofit's case statement outlines your entire fundraising rationale: why your organization…

Major Gift Series #9: Romancing the Ask – 6 Steps To a Perfect Major Gift Ask

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Here's the last in our series of 9 topics to help you raise many generous major gifts for your cause. Fundraising always comes down to asking, doesn’t it? “The Ask” is something we study, prep for, script, dream about, love and sometimes…

5 Ways to Get a Meeting With Your Major Donors

How do I get a meeting with my major gift prospects - particularly the ones who are wealthy donors? That's a question everyone always wants to know- how to connect with the most wealthy donors on your prospect list. And it's a difficult…

Seven Golden Prospecting Strategies for Major Gifts

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We are all searching, searching for the right prospecting strategies for major gifts. So what strategies are you using? Do you sometimes feel like you are kissing frogs to find a potential prince? Well, don't worry! We have all kissed our…

How to Get Your Board Members To Help Identify Major Gift Prospects

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Sometimes when board members are asked to help identify major gift prospects, it can be uncomfortable. Here's why: Board members often don't want to share names of people they know because they're afraid they will be asked to "hit up" their…

The Best Way to Raise Endowment Funds – Via Planned Giving and a Capital Campaign

One question we hear a lot is: "What's the best way to raise endowment funds?" Especially if you are in a capital campaign, you probably have planned gifts and endowments on your mind. Here are some simple ideas that might help you understand…
Gail and friend at work

Asking for a Major Gift and a Planned Gift in 4 Easy Steps

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Wow - the Ultimate Ask - a major gift and a planned gift all at one time! How to pull this off? Well, let's start with your donor. Cultivating a donor for a major gift involves many conversations with her. You talk with her…

How to Recruit a VIP Volunteer Who Will Close Major Gifts and Make Their Own Gift Too

VIP Volunteers are essential ingredients to many major gifts efforts and capital campaigns. We need these individuals for their networks and connections - and access to large donors that we can’t reach. But they are difficult to enlist! Here…

How to Run Successful Capital Campaigns: An Interview with Amy Eisenstein

Is your organization looking to raise more money this year? Do you want to learn the steps to meet your fundraising goals? If so, then you are in luck. Amy Eisenstein from Tri Point Fundraising and I recently spoke about…