Asking for donations is a crucial step in organizing a successful fundraiser or raising money for charitable causes. It is important to approach potential supporters and donors in a thoughtful and effective manner to maximize fundraising potential. There are various strategies and techniques that can be employed when asking for donations. One popular way to raise funds is through fundraising events.

Find below our articles about Asking for Donation best practices.

#1 Strategy for Fundraising Appeals This Year: Make Your Donor the Hero

You are planning those fall appeals right now, during the summer months. And it's time to start thinking about how you'll construct your appeal. Please don't make it the same old series of appeal letters. Please don't make your letter…

Five Ideas That Will Make Major Gift Asks Much Easier and More Successful

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We all know that fundraising comes down to one exciting, scary moment:  when you actually ask for support. This is when knees start knocking under the table, mouths get dry and suddenly words evaporate. But it doesn't have to be so awfully…
Jerry Panas

How to Secure the Major Gift: 10 Priceless Tips from Jerry Panas

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Jerry Panas is clearly one of our industry’s greats. I’ve learned so much from him over the years, and I hope you have studied his advice too. Today, I’m celebrating the fact that he’s joining us for Tuesday’s amazing Telesummit on…

18 Tips to Create a Wildly Profitable Monthly Giving Program

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I am so impressed with the power of a monthly giving program. Here's why: It creates ongoing predictable cash flow. It's low cost and returns a high RIO. It takes your current donor base and pulls twice (or more!) as much funding…

Create a Donation Page that Rocks!

What would your donors say about your donation page? Especially here - right at the end of the year. And you are hoping, hoping, that plenty of online donations are starting to flood into your site. A recent survey found that 47% of people…

5 Tips to Raise Much More from Your Current Donors

Did you know that you can shape your message in a way that will dramatically improve your fundraising results? HOW you deliver and shape your message has EVERYTHING to do with your fundraising success. We are tackling this topic this month…

Crafting Fundraising Letters that Resonate: Use Language that Inspires Action by Donors.

A couple of weeks ago I ranted about the “3 Most Boring Words in Fundraising.” My most boring words award went to “underserved, programs and services.” I railed against lazy fundraisers who use lame words and then expect donors to…

Dump the Cliches: Words and Phrases Fundraisers Love to Hate!

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Wow, I hit a nerve last week when I talked about my Least Favorite fundraising words. For the record, my own personal award for most disliked word goes to "underserved." I think that word is a very lame effort to describe the wonderful people…

Don’t Be a Fundraising Dinosaur: 5 Big Ideas to Adopt Right Now

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Here are more provocative nuggets from the recent AFP International Conference in Vancouver. I just couldn't resist sharing these "status-quo" challenges! Here's my challenge: Take this list to your next board meeting. Ask your board members:…

Here’s A Real, Live “Donor-Centered” Appeal Letter

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You're probably working hard to create a donor-centered appeal letter for the fall fundraising season. But what does "donor-centered" really mean? What does it look like in action? We all know how it is supposed to work: We're supposed to…

How to Make Your Next Ask Practically Irresistible

The moment of truth in fundraising is the ASK. How do you know what to say and how to frame your ask? Finesse is everything in this dance with your donor. Here are some key pointers that can make the difference between your donor saying "yes"…

A Fundraiser’s Secret Weapon: Your Radar

Last week's post on the "Fundraiser's Kiss of Death - Talking Too Much" generated lots of interesting comments. My readers all enjoyed the story of the donor visit that went sour. But here's the funny thing: Why was I consistently…

20 Best Practices for Monthly Giving Programs

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Do you want a fundraising strategy that creates ongoing predictable cash flow? One that is low cost, and returns a high RIO? That creates a wonderful prospect pool for planned and major gifts? That gets donors to quadruple (or more) their…

Add Surprise and Delight to Your Appeals. Like This One.

I want to share with you my very favorite fundraising appeal that I've seen in a long time. It's charming, readable, and unusual. (click here to read the entire appeal letter.) Next time you are stuck for creative ideas, consider heading…

5 Fundraising Mistakes We Make With Our Boards

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Do your nonprofit board members avoid fundraising? If your board members back off when they should be pitching in, this may be why! Don't make these mistakes that hurt, rather than help, our cause. Mistake #1: Thinking that fundraising is…

Why Did Doris Buffet Personally Answer This Fundraising Letter?

You won't believe it but my friend Jacqueline wrote a "cold" letter appealing to Doris Buffett - and Ms. Buffett actually responded with a PERSONAL phone call. And, ultimately she made a gift. When Jacqueline told me about this, I didn't believe…