Fundraising Strategy is a comprehensive approach to raise funds for Nonprofit Organizations. It is essential for nonprofits to develop and implement a well-thought-out fundraising strategy to ensure sustained financial support for their operations and programs. A fundraising strategy encompasses a wide range of initiatives such as hosting fundraising events, engaging supporters, utilizing online platforms, and seeking sponsorships.

Find below our articles about Fundraising Strategy best practices.

Major Gift Series #7: How to Develop Friendly, Authentic Relationships with Major Donors

Here’s #7 in my series of major gift fundraising posts to help you build up and expand your major gift revenue. I’m sharing some of my best advice to help YOU and your team bring in the major gifts that are out there for your nonprofit. Today,…

The 12 Essential Systems Every Nonprofit Needs for Mega Fundraising Success

Your nonprofit needs revenue to run and expand its programs. And, fundraising brings in the revenue - generating money so you can do more good in the world. Perfecting fundraising is a no-brainer. So, let’s focus on the critical core systems…

Don’t Make These 5 Mistakes In Your Fundraising Appeal Letter

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  Fundraising appeal letter mistakes - 5 key items to avoid Your year-end appeal letter just might be missing the boat. Here are some common fundraising appeal letter mistakes I see so very often:  1. Your call to action is weak. Lots…

Who Decides Fundraising Strategy at Your Organization?

We've all been there! You run into lots and lots of discussion -- and even dissension -- even arguing -- about the best way to go about raising money. About what fundraising approaches will work best for your organization. And you know…

Takeaways from #AFPFC in New Orleans

  This week's AFP International Conference in New Orleans (#AFPFC) was full of smart ideas and great learning. That's our new CEO Mike Geiger above with fellow #AFPeep Alice Ferris and me. Here's my annual wrap-up of key takeaways…
new tax law impact

How the New 2017 U.S. Tax Law May Impact Fundraising Revenues

The new 2017 tax law in the U.S. alters many of the tax incentives that encourage individual giving. Clearly, tax incentives are usually not most important reason most people give. But the incentives may contribute to how much donors give,…

Rule #2 for Board Members: Know Your Fundraising Roles and Responsibilities

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What are the fundraising responsibilities of nonprofit board members? This post outlines Rule #2 in The Board Member's Guide to Fundraising: 10 Rules for Success Every Board Member Must Know Know Your Roles and Responsibilities in Fundraising This…

Disaster Fundraising – How Your Nonprofit Should Respond

Disaster fundraising - when and how should your nonprofit respond? And you need to respond carefully. Communications with donors need to be precise and convey the correct tone. And this goes for all nonprofits. Even if your organization is…
Fundraising as a Dart Game: Are You Guessing your way Along?

Is Your Organization Aiming for the Fundraising Bull’s Eye?

Where are you with your fundraising plans? Are you playing the fundraising "dart game" by any chance? There's a game that many nonprofits play called “Aim for the Fundraising Bull’s Eye.” It’s the game of searching, searching…

They really did say all this stuff!

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Are you on the fence about joining our fundraising learning community? If so, I thought you might like to hear testimonials from some fundraising coaching members - about their real concrete results and success stories. “We applied strategies…

5 Steps to Create a Profitable Fundraising Plan in 2023

Why do you need a full-fledged, profitable fundraising plan? A fundraising plan will help you operate a full efficient and profitability - and you'll raise far more money with a plan of action. It will help you control the flow of work in…

Master Your Fundraising Calendar

This is the year to master the fundraising basics. There are clear strategies that you can follow to build lifetime donor relationships and fully fund your nonprofit's mission. It really can be done! These strategies will give you the highest…

My Top 4 Tips To Make More $$ at Charity Fundraising Events

Charity fundraising events can be huge money makers for many nonprofits. They can also be a huge waste of time. As someone commented on my post last week: Events are great for visibility and exposure,"but they are terrible ways to raise…

Fundraising Events – Are You Having Too Many?

How many fundraising events does your nonprofit put on each year? I imagine that you are staging 2-5 events a year, of various sizes and purposes. Maybe even more. So who plans and executes all these events? It's, of course, volunteers…

The 10 Worst Fundraising Event Mistakes

It's fundraising event season! And everybody is hard at work with caterers, venues, auctions and you name it. But what about your guests? Sometimes in all the hubbub - we forget to worry about our lovely guests who are nice enough to attend!…