Does Your Organization Really Support Fundraising? Take This Simple Quiz
Board Members & Fundraising, Fundraising Strategy, Nonprofit Leadership Many organizations pay lip service to supporting their fundraising team, but end up failing miserably. Your board, your executive director, and your program and admin staff can undercut fundraising efforts easily. And in many organizations…

Five Clues Your Fundraising is Headed Downhill
Board Members & Fundraising, Fundraising Strategy, Inspiration, Nonprofit LeadershipDon’t we all want fundraising that provides reliable, consistent, revenue? Money we can count on year after year? But that kind of reliable success doesn't just happen. It takes serious work and commitment. And many organizations…

How Major Gift Fundraising is Like Being Mother of the Bride
Fundraising Strategy, Inspiration, Major Gift FundraisingBeing mother of the bride has been an experience in "letting go." And it reminds me of how I have had to "let go" with some major donor prospects. Because they just wouldn't, wouldn't focus on what I wanted them to fund! Let me tell you the…

How to Screw Up Your Fundraising – Easy Steps to Financial Ruin
Board Development, Board Members & Fundraising, Fundraising Strategy, InspirationCould the greatest challenges to fundraising success be coming from INSIDE your organization? The nonprofit world has been abuzz recently about a disturbing report detailing many internal challenges facing many nonprofit fundraising programs. The…

The Grim News About Your Fundraising Strategy
Fundraising StrategyI am usually the voice of cheer and optimism. But today I have to share some pretty bad news with you. And I hope (expect!) that it will be a serious wake up call to you and your board to fix your fundraising strategy. AFP (the Association…

Don’t Be a Fundraising Dinosaur: 5 Big Ideas to Adopt Right Now
Asking for Donations, Board Development, Fundraising StrategyHere are more provocative nuggets from the recent AFP International Conference in Vancouver. I just couldn't resist sharing these "status-quo" challenges! Here's my challenge: Take this list to your next board meeting. Ask your board members:…