Fundraising Blog Topics

How to Have a Vastly More Profitable Auction
EventsHow’s your fundraising auction doing? Is it painful or fun? Is it profitable auction or only so-so?
Auctions can bring in tons of money. Especially if you try out some of the new technology that's coming along for auctions.
Some of these…

Avoid 5 Key Mistakes That Will Undermine Your Next Auction
How's your auction doing? Bet it could do better, for sure!
When it comes to auctions: you gotta love ‘em and work with them because they are here to stay.
And they can raise good, important, unrestricted money – IF you are smart…

8 Tips for Getting High Dollar Sponsorships for your Big Event
EventsMay is Party Month here at Fired-Up Fundraising and today Aimee Dunsmore, Development Director of the Utah Arts Festival, is sharing her secrets to getting HIGH DOLLAR sponsorships.
In the month of May we are going to drill down…

Don’t Be a Fundraising Dinosaur: 5 Big Ideas to Adopt Right Now
Asking for Donations, Board Development, Fundraising StrategyHere are more provocative nuggets from the recent AFP International Conference in Vancouver.
I just couldn't resist sharing these "status-quo" challenges!
Here's my challenge: Take this list to your next board meeting.
Ask your board members:…

How A Donor Communications Program Keeps Donors Giving and Giving
Donor Cultivation, Donor-Centered FundraisingAre you over-soliciting and under-communicating?
The problem is - we solicit our donors often, probably way too often.
But what happens with our donors in between solicitations?
It’s called “communications,” says my friend Kivi Leroux…

How to Throw a Party Everyone Wants to Attend
Donor Cultivation, EventsOne of my favorite holiday traditions is a really big family party. I mean a big one.
Last night I had about 150 people at my house, (can you imagine!) and it was a blast.
Somehow over the years, this party has become an institution.
My friends…

Here’s A Real, Live “Donor-Centered” Appeal Letter
Asking for Donations, Donor-Centered Fundraising, Year-End Fundraising CampaignYou're probably working hard to create a donor-centered appeal letter for the fall fundraising season.
But what does "donor-centered" really mean?
What does it look like in action?
We all know how it is supposed to work:
We're supposed to…

Step-by-Step Cultivation Moves for Your Major Gift Prospect
Donor Cultivation, Major Gift FundraisingTry these cultivation moves with major gifts prospects. They can help build your donors' enthusiasm, engagement and gifts.

Top 10 Things to Look For in New Board Members
Board Development, Nonprofit LeadershipHow do you determine who to ask to join the board of your wonderful cause?
If you really want to enlist a Dream Team Board, look for folks with these qualities.
And if you’d like a recruitment guide - you can use my 24-page Recruit Your…

How to Make Your Next Ask Practically Irresistible
Asking for DonationsThe moment of truth in fundraising is the ASK. How do you know what to say and how to frame your ask? Finesse is everything in this dance with your donor.
Here are some key pointers that can make the difference between your donor saying "yes"…

How to Stop Meddling Board Members
Board DevelopmentLast week I heard two people suggest that many Executive Directors don’t really want their board members engaged.
Because they are afraid their board members will “meddle.”
What do I mean by meddling?
It’s when a well-meaning…

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