Donor cultivation is a critical aspect of fundraising for nonprofit organizations. It involves building and nurturing relationships with potential donors, supporters, and major gifts contributors to secure sustainable financial support. Once prospective donors are identified, nonprofits employ moves management techniques to establish meaningful connections with them.

Find below our articles about Donor Cultivation best practices.

Porch Party: Boost Donor Engagement before Campaign | GPG

How I Launched a Capital Campaign with a Porch Party

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Kickstart your capital campaign with a bang! A porch party is the perfect pre-launch donor engagement event to build excitement & secure early commitments.
elusive donors

How to Get in Front of Elusive Donors

Need help reaching elusive donors? Watch this video to help you learn the right strategies to find, target & increase donor acquisition rate.

We Had a Wealth Screening; What Do We Do Now?

Have you had a wealth screening lately?  If so, I bet you are asking this question: “How do I work with my screening data to find qualified donors who can make a significant gift?”

Nonprofit Nightmare: Fundraising Horror Stories

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To celebrate Halloween, we’re sharing our scariest fundraising horror stories! Read on, and avoid these nonprofit nightmares based on true events.
Building Lasting Relationships (1)

How to Have a Super Successful Visit with a Major Donor

Major donor visits can be nerve-racking. Here you are with a golden opportunity—you've obtained a meeting with an important capital campaign prospect. It’s exciting but it is also high-stakes – because, of course, you want to…

Storytelling Tours Are Great Donor Cultivation Tools

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One of our favorite donor cultivation tools is a carefully-designed storytelling tour. But we are not talking about just any tour - this is a special, scripted, step-by-step tour. A Storytelling Tour can help you spread the word in your community…
How to Host a Successful Porch Party

How to Host a Porch Party, a Fun Donor Cultivation Event: Our Full Resource Guide!

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This is our complete guide to a successful Porch Party, a donor cultivation event. Small socials can help build community support and engage new donors.

Top 5 Secrets to Make Porch Parties a Fundraising Winner Every Time

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Casual, small social events like Porch Parties can be terrific tools for fundraising. You probably know that lots of fundraising can happen in a social environment. Conversations that happen socially can help you plot a path to an important…
porch party

Your Questions and My Answers on VIP Donor Cultivation Events

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Small VIP donor cultivation events are an easy way to open doors to new prospects -- and engage current donors in your mission. My last Porch Party in April! Here are my answers to your questions about donor cultivation events such as…

The Right Way to Follow Up Your Social Events and Tours

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And one of the things people always ask is how to follow up friendmaking events that your board members will host. Plan your follow up ahead of time, or DON'T DO THE EVENT! We believe in two types of followup: First, the personal phone call…

Using a Feasibility Study to Close Major Gifts – Without an Ask

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An expertly crafted Feasibility Study can open your donors' hearts and minds to wonderful possibilities your project will create.

Want to Know What Your Major Donor is Thinking? Try This Question!

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Want to find out what your donor is thinking? Ask them what they think or what are their impressions. It's our favorite Golden Question to ask donors.

Don’t Get Stuck in Endless Cultivation 

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Don't get stuck in endless cultivation and let your donor's slip away. Move a donor from discovery questions right into a gift conversation.

Creating a Donor-Centered Case Statement

We're sharing expert guidance on how to create a snappy, compelling case statement. Take a look and don't make the all too common mistakes.

The Fundraiser’s Kiss of Death: Talking Too Much

Learn why it’s important to listen to the donor, rather than make a presentation. And why talking too much is a fundraiser's kiss of death.

How a Capital Campaign Planning Committee Develops Lead Donor Relationships

If you’re planning a capital campaign, you are very likely evaluating your fundraising potential.  How much can you raise? Who will be your major funding sources? Would a Capital Campaign Planning Committee help you raise more?   A…