A fundraising plan is a strategic blueprint that organizations, specifically non-profits and nonprofit organizations, create to raise funds for a particular cause or project.

This plan includes various strategies, events, and activities aimed at generating financial support from donors, supporters, and the general public. A well-executed fundraising plan helps engage supporters, reach fundraising goals, and ultimately make a difference in the world.

Find below our articles about Fundraising Plan best practices.

How Giving USA 2024 Impacts Your Board's Role | GPG

What Do Board Members Need to Know About Giving Trends Today?

Uncover the latest trends in philanthropy revealed by Giving USA 2024 and learn how they can equip your board with the knowledge & tools to make sound strategic decisions.

Nonprofit Nightmare: Fundraising Horror Stories

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To celebrate Halloween, we’re sharing our scariest fundraising horror stories! Read on, and avoid these nonprofit nightmares based on true events.
Honest Questions to Consider About Your Organization's Fundraising Strategy

Honest Questions to Consider About Your Organization’s Fundraising Strategy

As fundraising consultants, we often explore fundraising strategy with our clients. In order to help an organization stage an aggressive capital campaign or dramatically ramp up its fundraising, we need to understand the opinions and…

Save Your Fundraising Team’s Jobs: Have a Numbers-Based Fundraising Plan!

Many nonprofits are laying off fundraising staffers these days in order to save money.  Are your team's jobs in jeopardy? Here's how to save your fundraising budget - and jobs - from the chopping block. Here's a post from our fundraising…

Fundraising Action Plan for Crisis Response

Fundraising in times of crisis is a delicate task. And, for many organizations, the need for seeking financial help has never been more urgent. Your organization may be facing a critical situation and you need to let your stakeholders know. Do…

Checklist: How Do You Stand on the 12 Core Fundraising Systems?

Hurray for fundraising! It generates the funding to carry out your wonderful mission to make the world a better place. Just think, fundraising makes your work possible. So of course you and your leadership team want to NAIL a first-class…

Do’s and Don’ts for Your Annual Fundraising Plan

It's the (hopefully) slow time of mid-summer, and it's time when you can can step back from your day-to-day work for a breather. AND - It’s the time when many fundraising shops look ahead and create a detailed, annual fundraising plan for…

The Must-Do First Step in Creating a Profitable Fundraising Plan

Are you and your team ready for a Fundraising Assessment? A Development Office Audit. A SWOT of your fundraising program? What exactly are these - and why would you do them? They're the first step to creating a killer fundraising strategy…

Why You Need a Formal Fundraising Plan To Raise The Money Of Your Dreams

Summer is here, and it's time to get organized with a well-thought-out formal Fundraising Plan for the year. Why not take time right now - while things may be slowing down?  Use this time to create a blueprint for a smart, well-oiled fundraising…

Rule #6 for Board Members: You Need a Smart Fundraising Plan

“Why do we need a fundraising plan?” board members sometimes ask. “Who has the time or energy to mess around with fundraising planning?" There are actually lots of good, quite practical reasons every board member would want to be sure…

21st Century Fundraising Metrics

Remember the old saying - What gets measured, gets done? We all know it goes for fundraising too, right? So what do you want to get done in your fundraising program this year? Certain amounts of money raised? Donors renewing their gifts? …
Fundraising as a Dart Game: Are You Guessing your way Along?

Is Your Organization Aiming for the Fundraising Bull’s Eye?

Where are you with your fundraising plans? Are you playing the fundraising "dart game" by any chance? There's a game that many nonprofits play called “Aim for the Fundraising Bull’s Eye.” It’s the game of searching, searching…

No More Crisis Mode Fundraising

It's fundraising planning season. And many smart fundraisers often step back in the summer months (at least in the Northern Hemisphere) when things are slower. It's a time when you can (hopefully) move out of the daily grind and take stock.…

Where Do You Stand? Find Out With Our Fundraising Scorecard

Sometimes it’s hard to get a handle on how well your organization is doing in fundraising. Sure, you can look at the bottom line and check out how much money was raised. But there are other factors, too, that play into how much funding your…

They really did say all this stuff!

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Are you on the fence about joining our fundraising learning community? If so, I thought you might like to hear testimonials from some fundraising coaching members - about their real concrete results and success stories. “We applied strategies…

5 Steps to Create a Profitable Fundraising Plan in 2023

Why do you need a full-fledged, profitable fundraising plan? A fundraising plan will help you operate a full efficient and profitability - and you'll raise far more money with a plan of action. It will help you control the flow of work in…