Nonprofit Leadership plays a crucial role in the success and impact of nonprofit organizations. It encompasses a range of skills, competencies, and qualities that are essential for the effective management and development of such organizations. Leadership development and training programs specifically tailored for the nonprofit sector are particularly important.

Find below our articles about Nonprofit Leadership best practices.

new tax law impact

How the New 2017 U.S. Tax Law May Impact Fundraising Revenues

The new 2017 tax law in the U.S. alters many of the tax incentives that encourage individual giving. Clearly, tax incentives are usually not most important reason most people give. But the incentives may contribute to how much donors give,…

Rule #10 for Board Members: Make Your Own Proud Personal Gift

Do board members have an obligation to make personal contributions to their organization? If so, what’s the appropriate amount that board members should give? These two questions can be the topic of rich discussion and even controversy…

5 Fundraising Mistakes We Make With Our Boards

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Are you making fundraising mistakes with board members? Is fundraising something your board members avoid? Hope not! But this IS a perennial challenge for fundraisers and CEOs, too. But board members often are scared to death of fundraising. I…

Do You Really Need a Nonprofit Mentor?

The nonprofit sector is a strong and vibrant community full of people willing to help each other out. And now more than ever, it’s important to come together and work as allies and mentors. This is a guest post from expert author John…
Gail Perry and crowd

Your Work as a Nonprofit Leader is So Very Important-Thank You!

Do you have any idea how important your work is as a nonprofit leader? You are making it happen day after day, my friend. All fundraisers are stalwart nonprofit leaders. Whatever your role in your organization, you are doing such important…

What Keeps 1200 Fundraisers Up at Night?

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My recent Opinion Survey of Nonprofit Leaders came back with some rather shocking – or concerning – results. People who work in our nonprofit sector clearly have too much on their plates. I know – you are probably saying – “I’ve…

Is There a Crisis in Fundraising Leadership?

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How do we attract, develop and retain good fundraisers? At last week's International Fundraising Congress, many of us were transfixed by a provocative conversation about "The Emerging Fundraising Leadership Challenge." International fundraising…

Does Your Organization Really Support Fundraising? Take This Simple Quiz

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  Many organizations pay lip service to supporting their fundraising team, but end up failing miserably. Your board, your executive director, and your program and admin staff can undercut fundraising efforts easily. And in many organizations…

Five Clues Your Fundraising is Headed Downhill

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Don’t we all want fundraising that provides reliable, consistent, revenue?   Money we can count on year after year? But that kind of reliable success doesn't just happen. It takes serious work and commitment. And many organizations…

Two Things Smart Fundraisers Always Do

Fundraising can be a lonely business. You know it. And I know it. There we are – facing doubtful board members and CEO’s who think they know better than we do. And there we are -- trying to convince decision makers to follow smart strategies…

How to Transform Your Board in One Bold Step

Everybody wishes they had a more powerful, more connected, more engaged board. Right? Here is the story of my favorite organization, Lillian’s List, and how we transformed our board with a Dream Team group of new board members. Here's…

Top 10 Things to Look For in New Board Members

How do you determine who to ask to join the board of your wonderful cause? If you really want to enlist a Dream Team Board, look for folks with these qualities. And if you’d like a recruitment guide - you can use my 24-page Recruit Your…

Manifesto for a Fundraising Board

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Is your board ready to assume real leadership for your organization's future? If your board is ready to move from "managing" to "leading," here's a Manifesto for them to embrace. Wikipedia defines "manifesto" as "a public declaration…

5 Fundraising Mistakes We Make With Our Boards

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Do your nonprofit board members avoid fundraising? If your board members back off when they should be pitching in, this may be why! Don't make these mistakes that hurt, rather than help, our cause. Mistake #1: Thinking that fundraising is…

Why Your Board Needs Term Limits

Is your board reluctant to enforce term limits? If so, the board is in danger of becoming stale and set in its ways. And when that happens, your entire organization may be at risk - sooner than you think. This is a very, very dangerous place…

Checklist for a Top-Level Board Governance Committee

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Who is looking out for the care and feeding of your board? You really, really need a Governance Committee to do this important work. In fact, we can't think of anything MORE important. Because if you want to have a high-performing board,…