Major Gifts from donors are a crucial component of successful fundraising efforts for nonprofit organizations. These gifts, typically larger in size, are given by individual donors or foundations who are passionate about the cause and have the financial capacity to make significant contributions. Major Gifts play a pivotal role in the sustainability and growth of nonprofits, allowing them to carry out their mission and make a substantial impact in their communities.

Find below our articles about Major Gift Fundraising best practices.

Can You Capitalize on the Golden Age of Major Gift Fundraising?

What's the fundraising outlook these days? I think it is GREAT. Our future offers plenty of promising fundraising opportunities, especially if you are an enterprising nonprofit leader. I think we just might be approaching the Golden Age…

6 Ways to Nail Your Next Major Donor Visit

Here you are, prepping for your big major donor visit. Yay!  As you walk into her office or home, should you be saying: "Yikes! What do I do now?" Don't fail in your next major donor visit. I’ve seen lots of people strike out when they finally…

5 Ways to Get a Meeting With Your Major Donors

How do I get a meeting with my major gift prospects - particularly the ones who are wealthy donors? That's a question everyone always wants to know- how to connect with the most wealthy donors on your prospect list. And it's a difficult…

How to Sabotage (or Save) Your Major Gifts Program

  A solid major gifts program can be every fundraiser's pot of gold. Boards, CEOs, and fundraisers all dream of lovely major donors making big gifts that can fund important programs, solidify your financial base and even catapult…

Three Important Goals for Every Major Donor Visit

When you are making a major donor visit, it’s always a good idea to know what you really, really want to accomplish. What are your ultimate goals? When you finally have the meeting with Mr. or Ms. Big Donor. What to do? How to handle?…

Moves Management Strategies: “Meaningful Contacts” with Your Donors

Do you ever struggle to come up with exactly the right moves management strategies for your favorite donors?   If you're trying to cultivate deeper relationships and "move" them along to an eventual major gift, then here's what you need:…

Screening Sessions: A Terrific Tool for Major Gift Prospect Research

Screening sessions are one of our favorite major gift prospect research tools. Why do we like screening sessions so much? Because the information you obtain is often more up to date, on point and accurate than much of the data you can find…

Power Questions Your Major Gift Donor Will Love

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Here’s a natural, friendly and much more successful approach to major gift fundraising. I’m showing you how to develop a warm, easy relationships with your major gift prospects.  Relationships where they feel heard and understood. A…

The Best Way to Treat a Major Donor: a Quick Guide

Major donors are very special people. They mean so very much to your nonprofit, don't they? You know how much they care about your work. But do you care about THEM as much as they care about you? Think about it. As people and individuals,…

Traits of Highly Successful Major Gift Fundraisers

Do you know the secrets of master major gift fundraisers? You know, those special individuals who raise six, seven and even eight figure gifts? What special qualities DO these talented major gift fundraisers have? What habits do they follow?…

Two Ridiculously Simple Major Donor Cultivation Strategies

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What kind of major donor cultivation strategies do you think work the best? Do you ever find it challenging to have conversations with prospective donors and develop their interest in your cause? I am a fan of an easy going, no pressure…

Mid-Level Donors = Low Hanging Fruit?

Mid-Level Donors. We're all talking about these lovely folks in your data base who are already giving significantly - and the potential they offer. But what to do with them, when you are already practically burdened by too much to do?? Today,…

Prospecting for Major Gifts? Top 6 Indicators of a Great Prospect

When you're prospecting for major gifts, the key to success for any fundraiser is finding the right donors. Not just those who care about your organization, but those who can give a significant contribution to your nonprofit. A.K.A., major…

Seven Golden Prospecting Strategies for Major Gifts

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We are all searching, searching for the right prospecting strategies for major gifts. So what strategies are you using? Do you sometimes feel like you are kissing frogs to find a potential prince? Well, don't worry! We have all kissed our…

How to Get Your Board Members To Help Identify Major Gift Prospects

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Sometimes when board members are asked to help identify major gift prospects, it can be uncomfortable. Here's why: Board members often don't want to share names of people they know because they're afraid they will be asked to "hit up" their…

Love Song to My Major Gift Prospect List!

I’m admitting it. I'm warped. Maybe it’s weird or something but I just love my major gift prospect list. And I love the hunt to find lovely, generous, wonderful major gift doors. I love deep reconnaissance, finding out what’s…