A capital campaign is a strategic and comprehensive fundraising effort by nonprofit organizations to raise significant sums of money for a specific project or purpose.

Find our articles about capital campaign fundraising best practices below.

How to Warm Up Your Donors for Big Major Gift Asks

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Donors are people just like we are. They don’t want to be surprised by a solicitation. If you have a close relationship with your donor, then you’ll want to lay careful groundwork to prepare her. And you'll want to do this well before…
Prospective Donor

How to Get the Most Out of a Major Gift Visit!

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You finally have the meeting with Mr. Big. What’s next? What do you do? What do you say? It can be tough to keep your eyes on the prize when you get in front of your best major donor prospects. And it's easy to get distracted and…

Your Board Members Can Become “Door Openers.” Here’s How!

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What would you MOST love your board members to do? Many nonprofit ED's tell me that  - of all possible things - they wish their board members would simply open doors. That's all. Just open doors. But what happens when you ask board members…

No Time for Planned Giving? Try These Quick Ideas!

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I'm as fired up as I can get about something big these days: planned giving. I know, I know -- you've heard it before. "Jump on planned giving," the consultants say. "I can't," you say back. "I don't have the bandwidth." Okay, I get that. But…

Three Easy Secrets to Major Gift Success

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Major gifts programs can become a money-raising machine for your wonderful cause. Here are three secrets that will dramatically improve your results from your fundraising activities and events. 1. Narrow, narrow, narrow down your focus. Restrict…

Count Your Blessings and Appreciate Your Donors at Thanksgiving

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It's the week of Thanksgiving here in the U.S. and we are counting our blessings. As you consider what you are thankful for, perhaps you might remember your DONORS - the wonderful people who make the work of your organization possible. I think…

4 Steps to a Transformational Gift

Transformational gifts are the most amazing gifts of all. They are largest and most significant gift an individual will ever make. Isn't securing a transformational gift your ultimate dream? These gifts bring funding that can completely transform…