How to Write a Solicitation for Donations Letter
Annual Giving, Asking for Donations, Fundraising Strategy, Year-End Fundraising CampaignAppeal letters are the backbone of your annual fundraising campaigns that your nonprofit absolutely relies on.

Nonprofit Fundraising Trends for 2023
Annual Giving, Capital Campaign As fundraising consultants, we’re always keeping an eye on the latest nonprofit fundraising trends and developments. As we move into 2023, there are several key trends that can help your organization ride the waves of success and fundraising…

Investments & Stocks as Gifts: Your Biggest Opportunity for Year-End Giving
Annual Giving, Year-End Fundraising CampaignYour biggest opportunity for mega year-end gifts is to seek gifts of stock.

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Ideas & Strategies
Annual Giving, Year-End Fundraising CampaignThere are three key steps you can take as early as possible that will help you engage the right leadership donors.

When “Friendraising” Works Better Than Fundraising
Annual Giving, Board Members & Fundraising, Donor-Centered Fundraising
Gifts of Stock: Your Biggest Opportunity for the Year-End Giving Season
Annual Giving, Year-End Fundraising CampaignYour biggest opportunity for mega year-end gifts is to seek gifts of stock.

Messaging in the New Landscape: Why Simple Storytelling is Not Enough
Annual Giving, Marketing & CommunicationsMessaging to donors needs to change. You need to be more authentic, friendly and completely transparent about finances.

How Board Members Can Help Increase Donations by 39%
Annual Giving, Board Members & Fundraising, Culture of Philanthropy, Donor-Centered Fundraising, Year-End Fundraising Campaign If you are serving as a nonprofit board member, I'm sure you are often asked to help in fundraising. Here's how you and your fellow board members can help increase donations to your organization by 39% - without having to do any "asking." To…

Step Up Your Ask With These Proven Strategies
Annual Giving, Asking for Donations, Major Gift Fundraising We are coming up on year-end and, as usual, there is one thing on fundraisers’ minds: “How can I effectively use this season to ask for gifts?” I hope you are not thinking of using these themes or phrases in your appeals: “Please…

How to Ride the Wave of Generosity with #GivingTuesday
Annual Giving A wonderful day for fundraising is coming up - GivingTuesday! We think GivingTuesday is a wonderful initiative. There are plenty of major gift pundits out there who think Giving Days are a distraction and a dead end, but we take issue. From…

Take Heart: Donors Are Still Giving to All Sorts of Causes
Annual GivingShould you be actively fundraising right now? Yes or no? If you are a no – then you have company. Many organizations are officially holding off on gift conversations or asks, even if their donors are ready have a gift discussion. We think…

Penelope Burk’s Favorite Wealth Screening Tool (Video)
Annual Giving, Donor-Centered Fundraising, Major Gift Fundraisinghttps://vimeo.com/352765737/f252bfdbc3 Here's a hot tip from fundraising guru Penelope Burk. Kathryn Gamble and I had lunch with her at the NC Philanthropy Conference in Charlotte, NC this week. Kathryn and I had a packed room for our…

Trend #7: Monthly Donors Are Going UP!
Annual Giving Great news - more and more people are becoming monthly donors to their favorite causes! Thank goodness. After so much dismal reporting about small donors dropping off, overall rates of giving going down, and retention rates declining…

Trend #4: 5 Ways to Overcome Declining Trust and Wary Donors
Annual Giving This is the fourth installment in my series on major trends that will impact your fundraising results: the huge issue of declining trust and wary donors. Donors are losing trust in nonprofits - and giving less. So how do we deal with the…

Strengthen Your Fundraising Appeal With the “IPM” Formula
Annual Giving, Asking for Donations, Major Gift Fundraising Here’s a very smart, efficient way to present your fundraising appeal. It forces you to be crystal clear about the three fundamental parts of any formal Ask: What impact it will make (I) What project it will fund…

Three Quick Ways to Snag Last Minute Online Gifts
Annual Giving, Year-End Fundraising Campaign We're approaching the last week of the year. You know what that means! Hopefully - it means a flood of online gifts and donations through your digital donation portal. There’s a lot of money in play for deserving nonprofits in these last…