Motivating nonprofit board members is crucial for the success and sustainability of nonprofit organizations. These individuals play a vital role in fundraising, governance, and overseeing the organization’s mission. By harnessing their passion and commitment, nonprofit boards can amplify their impact in the community.

Find below our articles about Motivating Board Members best practices.

Nonprofit Crisis Plan: Board Decision Making Guide

Board Members: How to Navigate Decision-Making in Uncertain Times with Confidence

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Navigate nonprofit crises with smart decision-making. Learn key strategies for boards to build resilience and ensure long-term sustainability. Read more!
AFP ICON Conference

AFP ICON Conference 2024: Tips from the Pros

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Join Gail Perry live from AFP ICON 2024 conference in Toronto as she unveils insights & tips from some of her favorite fundraising professionals.
From Bored to blazing: 7 Steps to Get Your Board Reconnected, Reengaged and Enthusiastic

From Bored to Blazing: Get Your Board Reconnected, Reengaged & Enthusiastic

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Take a look for 7 steps to create new energy, excitement and commitment with your nonprofit board. Boards love these ideas!
How to Engage Board Members in Major Gift Fundraising

How to Engage Board Members in Major Gift Fundraising

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There are so many ways we can engage board members in major gift fundraising. The challenge is, exactly, deciding the best roles for them to play. Where, within your fundraising program, can they lend their weight and help the most?…

What’s the Math? 3 Questions Your Board Members Really Need to Know

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Here's how to bring fundraising alive - help your board members understand where the money goes and what impact fundraising makes.

New Year’s Resolutions for Board Members

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It's the New Year - and it's a great time to make smart resolutions for the future! This post is updated from posts I wrote in 2018, 2017 and 2015. It's a perennial favorite with my readers - so we've updated it again for 2020! Here…

How to Fire-Up Your Board’s Energy in 10 Minutes

Do you ever wish you could fire-up your board's energy? Wouldn't it be wonderful to have all your board members enthusiastic and excited about their role? Just think what you might be able to accomplish with a fired-up group of well-connected,…

Myths and Realities about Nonprofit Board Members and Fundraising

There seem to be a lot of myths when it comes to nonprofit board members and fundraising. Staff often expect that board members are supposed to raise money. But board members are not so sure of this – as you probably have experienced. It…

How to Engage Board Members in Major Gift Fundraising

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There are so many ways we can engage board members in major gift fundraising. The challenge is, exactly, deciding the best ways to try to engage them. Where, within your fundraising program, can they lend their weight and help the most?   Board…

How to Disrupt Your Board’s View of Fundraising

Board members and fundraising. These words often don't mix together very well. Board members are generally well-meaning, good hearted people. But when you mention the F-Word (fundraising), many board members shift nervously.  What's wrong?…

Rule #10 for Board Members: Make Your Own Proud Personal Gift

Do board members have an obligation to make personal contributions to their organization? If so, what’s the appropriate amount that board members should give? These two questions can be the topic of rich discussion and even controversy…

Rule #7 for Board Members: Fundraising Profit Builds Up Over Time – Not Overnight!

Where exactly does long term fundraising success comes from? Many board members want to know, so that they can guide their organizations to funding success. Here's the answer:  What we are all after in the nonprofit sector is a lovely…

Rule #1 for Board Members: Fundraising is Based on Relationships With Donors

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Some board members think fundraising is "hitting someone up." But fundraising is so very much more than that! Fundraising, in the very largest sense, is all about making the world a better place. People who don't understand fundraising devalue…

5 Fundraising Mistakes We Make With Our Boards

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Are you making fundraising mistakes with board members? Is fundraising something your board members avoid? Hope not! But this IS a perennial challenge for fundraisers and CEOs, too. But board members often are scared to death of fundraising. I…

How to Engage Board Members in Fundraising

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Are you trying to engage board members in fundraising? How about helping with major gift connections? Would you like your board members to open doors to their contacts? Usually everyone answers “yes” to these questions.  But getting…
superwoman board member

Board Members: Some Ideas About Fundraising That Might Surprise You!

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If you are a nonprofit board member, does this sound familiar? Your organization needs more financial resources. And you are not sure which path to take: Should you: Help launch another fundraising event? Invite your friends people over…