Thanksgiving is a Great Time for DonorLove!
Annual Giving It's the week of Thanksgiving here in the U.S. and we are counting our blessings. Your donors are a great blessing to your cause because they make your organization's work possible. So, why not take advantage of the season and send loving…

Don’t Make These 5 Mistakes In Your Fundraising Appeal Letter
Annual Giving, Asking for Donations, Fundraising Strategy, Marketing & Communications, Year-End Fundraising Campaign Fundraising appeal letter mistakes - 5 key items to avoid Your year-end appeal letter just might be missing the boat. Here are some common fundraising appeal letter mistakes I see so very often: 1. Your call to action is weak. Lots…

Creating a Donor-Centered Appeal Letter: A Makeover
Annual Giving, Asking for Donations, Donor-Centered Fundraising, Marketing & CommunicationsWant to create a donor-centered appeal letter? It's more difficult than you think, it's not very intuitive. It doesn't come naturally. When we actually sit down to write a letter, our natural inclination is to remind our donor how worthwhile…

What are the 3 Most Boring Words in Fundraising Appeals?
Annual Giving, Asking for DonationsWhat fun! Today I'm ranting a bit about what goes wrong with so many fundraising appeals. I’m sharing my thoughts on the most overused, most boring and least useful words ever to be used in fundraising appeals. And I want to know yours! What…

Do’s and Don’ts for Your Annual Fundraising Plan
Annual Giving, Fundraising PlanIt's the (hopefully) slow time of mid-summer, and it's time when you can can step back from your day-to-day work for a breather. AND - It’s the time when many fundraising shops look ahead and create a detailed, annual fundraising plan for…

Why You Need a Formal Fundraising Plan To Raise The Money Of Your Dreams
Annual Giving, Fundraising Plan Summer is here, and it's time to get organized with a well-thought-out formal Fundraising Plan for the year. Why not take time right now - while things may be slowing down? Use this time to create a blueprint for a smart, well-oiled fundraising…

Top 10 Tips to Make More Money, Have More Fun at Your Fundraising Event
Annual Giving, Events Fundraising event tips are here! May is Party Month here at Fired-Up Fundraising. Today I'm sharing how to make more money and have more fun with YOUR own fundraising events. We all have events, so let's make them fun and also highly profitable. First:…

Questions and Answers about Monthly Giving
Annual Giving As you know, we've been talking about monthly donors for the past few weeks. And you may have seen my Facebook Live interviews here and here with monthly giving guru Erica Waasdorp. It’s been tremendously fun and exciting to get lots…

7 Tips to Create a Profitable Recurring Donor Program
Annual Giving Recurring donors are a huge untapped revenue source for so many nonprofits. We are still trying to wrap our heads around the vast potential recurring donors offer. If you have 300 monthly donors – just how much overall revenue would these…

Three Steps to Launch a Robust Monthly Giving Program
Annual Giving Monthly giving programs are becoming more and more popular revenue sources. So today, we have a guest post by author and international monthly giving guru Erica Waasdorp. Erica's the author of Monthly Giving: the Sleeping Giant:…

12 Ways to Send Your Donors Love With a Valentine
Annual Giving, Donor Cultivation, Donor-Centered FundraisingHave you considered Valentines for donors this year? It's time to show your donors some love! A charming, thoughtful Valentine can express your appreciation to your donors in a delightful way. After all, they are the generous, wonderful…

Upgrading Year-End Donors to a Higher Gift Level
Annual Giving, Year-End Fundraising Campaign Upgrading year-end donors can be a challenge - and an opportunity. What to do with your very important major and mid-level donors during your year-end campaign? Today we have a guest post from the very smart Rachel Muir, CFRE - sharing…

Upgrade Your Fundraising by Using the Phone
Annual Giving, Year-End Fundraising CampaignDid you know that phone fundraising really works? Using the phone WILL boost your fundraising! I am in love with a very, very old technology. One that is so very "last century." The phone is something many fundraisers avoid. "It's intrusive,"…

Four-Step Master Plan for Your Year-End Campaign
Annual Giving, Year-End Fundraising CampaignHere’s a smart, concise master plan for your year-end campaign. Follow this step-by-step format and you should see amazing fundraising results. Let’s make the most of the “giving season” and just nail your fall fundraising campaign! Here…

#1 Year-End Fundraising Mistake: A Weak Ask
Annual Giving, Year-End Fundraising CampaignAre you making year-end fundraising mistakes? Too many organizations are not asking often enough. And when they do ask, they do it poorly. This is happening with far too many nonprofits. Especially smaller organizations – and some large…

7 Ways to Build Donor Retention and Create Highly Committed Donors Who Love You
Annual Giving, Donor Cultivation, Donor-Centered FundraisingDon't we all want "highly committed donors" to our organizations? If you have highly committed donors, what would your donors do for you? Well - they will give and give and give again. What happens when your donors are not highly committed? My…