You might be planning a campaign for 2021, or you may be in a major campaign right now. What can go wrong?
Capital campaigns, as we all know, are huge undertakings. They are full of risks, rewards and mega gifts, too.
And sometimes capital campaigns can offer breathtaking challenges. Add a global pandemic to the mix, and you have a recipe for stress, heartburn and anxiety.
Capital Campaigns in Pandemic Times
This year has been such a challenge! You and your team perhaps had a solid campaign plan. Your leadership was recruited and in place. Your lead gifts were identified. And everything was moving along smoothly.
But out of the blue came a global pandemic. Everything shut down. You could no longer visit your donors or see your key volunteer leaders. You might be concerned about your donors’ ability to give during this time. And you had to reinvent everything. You and your entire team shifted to juggle many balls in the air.
There really is a path to a successful capital campaign, though. You can still close major campaign asks, even virtually. Our clients are closing big gifts every day, and we want to show you how you can too.
If you’re interested, our new course, Capital Campaigns in Times of Crisis: 5 Keys to a Successful Campaign Even in Today’s Uncertain World will help guide you and your team to success – even in this virtual environment.
What Can Go Wrong with a Capital Campaign Today?
Where do we start? There are so many challenges! (By the way – You’ll find solutions to these challenges in our course – that will help you accelerate your success.)
Decision Making During Uncertain Times
Making major organizational decisions during uncertain times is scary. It can seem overwhelming at best, and may bring your organization to a standstill.
But not making decisions is just as dangerous as making the wrong decision.
First, you need to craft or re-craft a workable Campaign Plan in the midst of uncertainty. What can you control, what can’t you control?
How would it feel to be able to move forward vigorously with a revamped, realistic campaign plan? You’d see success on the other side.
Planning a Virtual Campaign and Feasibility Study in a Virtual World
Are you in campaign planning mode? If your campaign is on the horizon for 2021, we will show you how to take the right steps, now – so you can successfully move forward with lead gifts next year.
Managing a successful feasibility study – even in this environment – is very doable. We are actively working on some virtual feasibility studies, and they are moving along nicely. Donors are more available, and are willing to chat at length.
What is the Right Case for Support in This Environment?
How are you positioning your case in this competitive fundraising environment? You are probably struggling with the right story to tell for today’s donors. Yes, you do need a different story for today and tomorrow!
In our new course, we’ll share secrets on how to develop or refine your case for this environment. It seems more daunting than it is!
Nurturing Donor Relationships
We’re in a distant world now. it’s against everything we’ve gotten used to.
And are you exhausted by zoom?
Don’t be. We now know that donors are more available than ever. They are not traveling as much; they are focused on their community, they want to help.
Zoom means that the rules have changed. The future of your capital campaign depends on mastering a new set of discovery and qualification skills for the virtual environment. Let us show you how.
Staging and Closing Major Campaign Asks – Virtually
The biggest struggle of all? It’s how to manage a major campaign ask on zoom.
Yes, it can be done. Our clients are closing 6-figure gifts often, even in this environment.
There are a few strategic shifts you can make to ensure that your major campaign asks are successful, especially in a virtual world. In our course, we’re sharing five proven approaches you can use to set up and close major campaign asks. This is crucial for your successful capital campaign.
Bottom Line
The world is changing, there is no doubt. We are excited to share that your campaigns can still move forward, and be even more successful in this new world.
We have been helping our capital campaign clients reinvent, adapt and successfully move forward, despite the current climate. And it’s been going well.
This can be your success story too.
If you’d like to be prepared for the world as it is going to be, not as it was, please join us in our new course. We hope you’ll join Capital Campaigns in Times of Crisis so you can take your campaign to the next level of success next year.
If you are not in capital campaign mode, we wish you many major gifts flowing in from your generous donors.
As always, it is a pleasure to share our weekly news and insights with you.
If you are planning a capital campaign, take a look at our NEW course which launched this week, Capital Campaigns in Times of Crisis:5 Keys to a Successful Campaign Even in Today’s Uncertain World.
Hope you have a wonderful and safe weekend.