The Old Ask vs the Collaborative Ask: Seven Shifts To Close Mega Gifts
Donor-Centered Fundraising, Friendmaking, Fundraising Strategy, Major Gift FundraisingLearn the 7 shifts to transform your major gift asks. Build stronger donor relationships and secure larger gifts with the collaborative ask approach.

How I Launched a Capital Campaign with a Porch Party
Capital Campaign, Donor Cultivation, Friendmaking, Major Gift Fundraising, Porch PartyKickstart your capital campaign with a bang! A porch party is the perfect pre-launch donor engagement event to build excitement & secure early commitments.

Create a “Friendmaking” Committee of Board Members
Annual Giving, Friendmaking Do you want to get your board members actively making friends for your organization? Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could form a "Friendmaking Committee" of board members who'd be out there opening doors and hosting small friendmaking events?…

How to Host a Porch Party, a Fun Donor Cultivation Event: Our Full Resource Guide!
Capital Campaign, Donor Cultivation, Events, Friendmaking, Porch PartyThis is our complete guide to a successful Porch Party, a donor cultivation event. Small socials can help build community support and engage new donors.

Nonprofits, Politics and Elections
Friendmaking, Nonprofit Leadership We all imagine that 2020 will go down in history as a difficult year. And now here we are waiting for election results in the U.S. Politics and elections can certainly be exhausting for everyone. But being involved in civic life (politics)…

Two Ridiculously Simple Major Donor Cultivation Strategies
Donor Cultivation, Friendmaking, Major Gift Fundraising What kind of major donor cultivation strategies do you think work the best? Do you ever find it challenging to have conversations with prospective donors and develop their interest in your cause? I am a fan of an easy going, no pressure…

Our Guide to Brilliant Major Gift Cultivation Events
Donor Cultivation, Events, Friendmaking, Major Gift FundraisingMany fundraising teams are hosting major gift cultivation events often – to open doors, make friends, cultivate potential supporters and thank your current donors. All of these gatherings are wonderful opportunities to bring people…

Myths and Realities of Board Members and Fundraising
Board Development, Board Members & Fundraising, Friendmaking How do YOUR board members feel about fundraising? Not enthusiastic, I'll bet! One of the biggest myths around is that board members should be willing and able to raise money. We wish! But here's the reality: Most board members…

Your Board Members Can Become “Door Openers.” Here’s How!
Board Development, Capital Campaign, Friendmaking, Major Gift Fundraising, Motivating Board MembersWhat would you MOST love your board members to do? Many nonprofit ED's tell me that - of all possible things - they wish their board members would simply open doors. That's all. Just open doors. But what happens when you ask board members…

Show Me the Money: How to Move From Friendraising to Fundraising
Annual Giving, Asking for Donations, Friendmaking, Major Gift FundraisingIn my regular column I write for the Guidestar newsletter, a smart reader sent me the $64,000 question: "All your talk about "friendraising" is great, but show me the money! My organization needs funding right now!" You're exactly right to focus…