How Coaching Can Help You Skyrocket Your Fundraising Success

Today’s guest post is by Beth Ann Locke, Director of the Academy

Every fundraiser and nonprofit leader we’ve met is working to create a better world.

And most successful nonprofit leaders seek to better themselves, by getting trained on new fundraising tactics and the latest, most profitable strategies. They particularly welcome outside guidance when it comes to a major donor ask. And you should too.

How could YOU benefit from a coach?

If you’re ready to truly supercharge your fundraising, your leadership, and even your career, now may be time for you to begin working with a coach.

A fundraising coach is invaluable, offering new points of view, out-of-your-box ideas, and ways to better manage and lead.

A great coach understands fundraising, donors, and your context. They will speak your language of raising money and changing the world.

Here are just a few examples of where an executive coach can help.

A coach can help direct your focus, time, and effort.

Do you find that your available time, budgets, or resources are s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d?

A coach can help you sharpen how you apply your time and effort to what needs to meet or exceed those fundraising goals.

I hear from fundraisers who unfortunately get sidelined by the “fires and fears of the moment.” A great coach suggests ways YOU can keep on track and just what to say to your vital work of asking moves forward.

A coach can offer fresh takes.

A coach may provide a new lens, fresh idea, or better perspective. Especially when considering next moves with a major donor or prospect.

A coach can draw on their lived and learned experiences from a career of fundraising, the latest trends, and what’s happening with donors now – moods, financial outlooks, and easier ways to give.

And if you’re working solo or in a small shop, a coach can offer new perspectives and a strong sounding board.

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A coach can boost your fundraising success.

You may sometimes have great fundraising ideas but want to bounce them off an experienced professional. Is this a good idea or strategy? Or not?

Sometimes, you might want to explore ideas that have offered success to other nonprofits. A coach can talk through alternatives, suggest how to jump into new areas, or determine just how and when to speak with a decision-maker to ensure your ideas are heard.

(In fact, that’s why we started our Insiders professional education community – to provide the latest fundraising training, via curated education sessions from international experts every month. Live sessions are packed with content you could use immediately to strengthen your fundraising success.)

A coach can help design your career trajectory or transition.

Whether you enter the nonprofit space as a first job, a re-entry, or a new chapter, how do you get there from here?  What do you need to do?

Or, what happens when you finally land the Big Job – the mega opportunity of your career? You really need someone who has your back.

Talk with your coach about what to do. Your coach can help you determine how to handle every sticky situation. Your coach will guide you where you want to go and the steps to get there.

A coach can definitely help you become a better leader.

Do you consider yourself a leader? Whether or not you’re managing a team, you can stand out as a leader at any level.

When you are a good leader, you’ll be able to work effectively with those you report to, your colleagues, and those who report to you.

A coach can help with communication skills by helping you distinguish various work styles, so you can work with others most effectively.

Bottom Line: A coach is 100% focused on YOUR success!

I’ve helped many fundraisers and fundraising teams set a path to turn a long-time prospect into a donor, create new fundraising plans, and successfully raise funds. Even more, I’ve been a sounding board, guiding fundraisers to the best ideas and alternatives.

We are here to help you reach your highest fundraising success! Joining the Insiders will be a smart, cost-effective way to invest in yourself and your career.

We’d love to work more closely with you!

“Thanks, in part, to your advice, we raised $100,000 more last year than the previous year!” Chris L., Executive Director, Nations Ministry Center, Nashville, TN

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Kendall M., Chief Development Officer, Tennessee Wildlife Federation

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