Major Gifts from donors are a crucial component of successful fundraising efforts for nonprofit organizations. These gifts, typically larger in size, are given by individual donors or foundations who are passionate about the cause and have the financial capacity to make significant contributions. Major Gifts play a pivotal role in the sustainability and growth of nonprofits, allowing them to carry out their mission and make a substantial impact in their communities.

Find below our articles about Major Gift Fundraising best practices.

Porch Party: Boost Donor Engagement before Campaign | GPG

How I Launched a Capital Campaign with a Porch Party

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Kickstart your capital campaign with a bang! A porch party is the perfect pre-launch donor engagement event to build excitement & secure early commitments.
Boost Capital Campaign Gifts: Prepare Donors for Asks | GPG

Big Capital Campaign Asks: How to Reduce “Surprises” and Prepare Your Donor

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Master the art of the major gift ask. Get expert tips on building relationships and securing big capital campaign donations.
Convert Your Nonprofit Board Member’s Friends into Donors | Gail Perry Group2024

Why Won’t My Board Members Give Me Names?

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Having trouble getting your nonprofit board to open doors to their friend’s? You’re not alone. This article explores reasons why boards withhold info & offers tips for navigating the situation.
The GrConvert Your Nonprofit Board Member’s Friends into Donors | Gail Perry Groupeat Wealth Transfer: More Women Donors | Gail Perry Group2024

The Great Wealth Transfer: More Women Donors on the Horizon

Women are set to inherit a vast amount of wealth in the coming years. Learn how this Great Wealth Transfer will transform the landscape of philanthropy.

How to Be Confident When Approaching Major Donors

Confidently master conversations with new donors! Learn how to make a first impression that will open doors to lasting relationships.
honest conversations about fundraising strategy, honest questions to ask about fundraising strategy2024

Three Thought-Provoking Questions to Ask Your Leadership Team

Discover why honest conversations about fundraising strategy are crucial for success. Overcome challenges, build trust & achieve your goals.
Major Gift Best Practices

Major Gift Best Practices: How to Unlock Transformative Philanthropy

This guide reveals 5 major gifts fundraising best practices to cultivate major gifts & skyrocket your goals.
Mastering the "Soft Skills" of Fundraising

Mastering the “Soft Skills” of Fundraising

Succeed with these soft skills of major gift fundraising and learn how to put your major donor at ease.

What’s the Rate of Return of Major Gift Fundraising?

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Learn how to maximize your fundraising rate of return with these tips. Try proven strategies to maximize your return on investment.
elusive donors

How to Get in Front of Elusive Donors

Need help reaching elusive donors? Watch this video to help you learn the right strategies to find, target & increase donor acquisition rate.

We Had a Wealth Screening; What Do We Do Now?

Have you had a wealth screening lately?  If so, I bet you are asking this question: “How do I work with my screening data to find qualified donors who can make a significant gift?”

Is This the Reason Your Team is Not Raising Major Gifts?

All nonprofits want to excel at major gifts fundraising. Is this really true? In our 30 years in major gifts fundraising, we've seen familiar roadblocks crop up inside organizations. Roadblocks that somehow get thrown up to keep money…

How to Approach Your Major Donors for Year-End Gifts

If you don’t do anything else in your year-end campaign, you must do this; visit your major donors & invite them to invest in your cause.

5 Things Smart Fundraisers Do in December

With the holidays approaching & year-end fundraising closing out, we are all stampeding towards our goals. Here are 5 things smart fundraisers always do in December.

Gail Perry’s Q&A About Major Gift Fundraising

We’ll answer all your questions about major gift fundraising challenges during these challenging times.

Thanking Donors – How to Show Your Donors Some Love

You might already be thanking your major gift donors for their contribution & support during the holidays, but what about all the others?