Fundraising events are organized activities or initiatives aimed at raising money or funds for a specific cause, project, or organization. These events serve as platforms to gather donations and support from individuals, businesses, and communities. Fundraising events can take on various forms, employing different fundraising strategies.

Find below our articles about Fundraising Events best practices.

My Top 4 Tips To Make More $$ at Charity Fundraising Events

Charity fundraising events can be huge money makers for many nonprofits. They can also be a huge waste of time. As someone commented on my post last week: Events are great for visibility and exposure,"but they are terrible ways to raise…

Fundraising Events – Are You Having Too Many?

How many fundraising events does your nonprofit put on each year? I imagine that you are staging 2-5 events a year, of various sizes and purposes. Maybe even more. So who plans and executes all these events? It's, of course, volunteers…

The 10 Worst Fundraising Event Mistakes

It's fundraising event season! And everybody is hard at work with caterers, venues, auctions and you name it. But what about your guests? Sometimes in all the hubbub - we forget to worry about our lovely guests who are nice enough to attend!…

Our Guide to Brilliant Major Gift Cultivation Events

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Many fundraising teams are hosting major gift cultivation events often  – to open doors, make friends, cultivate potential supporters and thank your current donors. All of these gatherings are wonderful opportunities to bring people…

9 Point Profitability Checklist for Your Next Fundraising Auction

There's nothing like an experienced charity auctioneer's coaching when it comes to a high-profit fundraising auction. And I was quite impressed with the tips that Sherry Trular of Red Apple Auctions shared with us this week in our  Highly…

Create a Profitable Fundraising Event Plan

Do you have a solid fundraising event plan and timeline? One that will guarantee a solid ROI? Fundraising events take a lot of time and energy. Love ‘em or hate ‘em, fundraising events are here to stay. They are part of the…

When in Doubt, Throw a Party!

Believe it or not - this is my #1 motto after more than 25 years in fundraising. But let me be clear - I DON'T mean throw another fundraising event! Heaven forbid! But here's what I really mean: I believe in making everything you do as…

Top 20 Charity Auction Tips for Greater Profit

Implement these 20 Charity Auction Tips, and you'll be setting up an event that's a huge money-maker. Why are auctions important? Auctions are a key source of profit at galas or fundraising events. So let's learn how to maximize their…

How to Have a Vastly More Profitable Auction

How’s your fundraising auction doing? Is it painful or fun? Is it profitable auction or only so-so? Auctions can bring in tons of money. Especially if you try out some of the new technology that's coming along for auctions. Some of these…

Avoid 5 Key Mistakes That Will Undermine Your Next Auction

How's your auction doing?  Bet it could do better, for sure! When it comes to auctions: you gotta love ‘em and work with them because they are here to stay. And they can raise good, important, unrestricted money – IF you are smart…

8 Tips for Getting High Dollar Sponsorships for your Big Event

May is Party Month here at Fired-Up Fundraising and today Aimee Dunsmore, Development Director of the Utah Arts Festival, is sharing her secrets to getting HIGH DOLLAR sponsorships. In the month of May we are going to drill down…

How to Throw a Party Everyone Wants to Attend

One of my favorite holiday traditions is a really big family party. I mean a big one. Last night I had about 150 people at my house, (can you imagine!) and it was a blast. Somehow over the years, this party has become an institution. My friends…

My Secrets to a FABULOUS Party!

Lots of fundraising is built around socializing, isn’t it? Whether it's a formal fundraising event or not, we are often organizing large or small groups of people in social situations. So it's really important to know your social skills…

Why You Should Ditch Your Next Fundraising Event

Fundraising events are a foundation for many nonprofit fundraising programs. But they are the most inefficient way of raising money. Here's a well-known chart of "cost per dollar raised" for various fundraising strategies: (Data…