Holiday Survival Guide: 5 Tips for Surviving and Enjoying the Holidays


Yes, the holidays can be wild!iStock_000014229117Medium

So very much to do!

Here are my own favorite tips for not only surviving but really enjoying the holidays.

Your #1 Job is to Protect Your OWN Good Energy

YOU are the most important person of all during these holidays (shocker)!

Your family needs you. Your organization needs you.

And how does everyone need you to be?

They need you to be happy and calm – because it makes them feel better.

If your energy is positive and you are enjoying life – you’ll be a better fundraiser. a better colleague, and a better partner to those you love.

So today let’s practice letting go a bit.  Let’s take a deep breath, and find something to enjoy:

1. Cut back your “Must Do” list.

Don’t ya just love that To Do List?  And. . . take it from me. . . . it’s too long!

I think we all assume too much responsibility for everything.

Can you take a couple of monkeys off your back?

Can you take a couple of monkeys off your back?

You don’t really have to be responsible for a fabulous holiday, for all the year-end gifts, for everyone’s happiness.

What will really happen anyway if you don’t give the teacher the perfect present? Or the cookies never get baked?

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So let go of some of the stuff on that to-do list. I bet no one will EVEN notice! : )

2. Perfection is not your goal.

We all wanna do a terrific job – for our donors – for our families. And we just can’t do everything!

In fact, it’s simply not possible to get it all done. (Is it now?)

But you know what, my party will happen tomorrow night whether the upstairs bathroom is perfectly arranged or not. Whether the porch is really clean or not – the party will go on and no-one will pay any attention.

I am getting philosophical right now about what is possible to accomplish. And I’m letting go of the rest!

So give yourself a break and let go of the “perfection” ideal!

3. Punt the ball.

What do I mean by “punt?”  It’s an American football term.

When the team punts, they kick the ball to the other team and let THEM control it for a while.

I love the metaphor of punting.

And I love even more the idea of turning a job over to SOMEONE else. 

Who can pick up one of your jobs? Can you call in reinforcements?

Turn a job over to someone else and take a breath.

4. Do something that nurtures you.

Maybe it’s taking time for a pedicure, or finding some relaxing time with your friends.

What do you do to take good care of yourself?  

Maybe it’s a hot bath, maybe it’s a yoga class. Maybe it’s sleeping in!

Perhaps it’s setting limits on what you will and will not try to tackle.

But this time of year – give yourself a break.

Go ahead and indulge yourself a tiny bit.

5. Find a silent moment.

Sometimes in the middle of hubbub and noise, it’s wonderful simply to stop and appreciate the moment.

Being mindful of what you are doing can bring such gifts.

All of a sudden, you are aware of the joy and happiness and sheer life energy around you.

Give it a try!

Sometimes when I am having my big holiday party every year – I stop and look around and simply ENJOY all the noisy, happy people in my house.  And I feel a spark of joy and happiness. It is so wonderful.

Take a break, pull back and savor what is going on around you.


What are YOUR holiday Survival Tips? Leave a comment and let us all know!!