Asking for donations is a crucial step in organizing a successful fundraiser or raising money for charitable causes. It is important to approach potential supporters and donors in a thoughtful and effective manner to maximize fundraising potential. There are various strategies and techniques that can be employed when asking for donations. One popular way to raise funds is through fundraising events.

Find below our articles about Asking for Donation best practices.

Add Surprise and Delight to Your Appeals. Like This One.

I want to share with you my very favorite fundraising appeal that I've seen in a long time. It's charming, readable, and unusual. (click here to read the entire appeal letter.) Next time you are stuck for creative ideas, consider heading…

5 Fundraising Mistakes We Make With Our Boards

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Do your nonprofit board members avoid fundraising? If your board members back off when they should be pitching in, this may be why! Don't make these mistakes that hurt, rather than help, our cause. Mistake #1: Thinking that fundraising is…

Why Did Doris Buffet Personally Answer This Fundraising Letter?

You won't believe it but my friend Jacqueline wrote a "cold" letter appealing to Doris Buffett - and Ms. Buffett actually responded with a PERSONAL phone call. And, ultimately she made a gift. When Jacqueline told me about this, I didn't believe…

14 Easy Ways Board Members Can Raise Money

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Board members can be enthusiastic fundraisers if you make it easy for them. Here are 14 examples of very specific natural, comfortable formats for asking. It's so helpful to board members when we can show them easy ways to make the ask. Offer…

Show Me the Money: How to Move From Friendraising to Fundraising

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In my regular column I write for the Guidestar newsletter, a smart reader sent me the $64,000 question: "All your talk about "friendraising" is great, but show me the money! My organization needs funding right now!" You're exactly right to focus…