Fire-up your fundraising!

Our nonprofit consultants will equip you with actionable capital campaign & fundraising strategies, ideas, plan and skills tailored for your charitable organization.

With you at every step, we will champion you to create real change and meet your fundraising challenges and goals – and make sure your fundraising programs are profitable.

Let’s thrive together.

“We have had our best year-end ever! We exceeded last year’s totals by an amazing 50%! Our investment in your firm paid off in spades for our organization and I just wanted to share our success story!”

Lana Baldwin, Pima Council on Aging Tucson, AZ

Bespoke Consulting

Custom fundraising strategies for real results.

Our nonprofit consultants work closely with your team to create customized and creative fundraising strategies designed to capitalize on your organization’s unique opportunities.

Our data-driven capital campaign methodology pairs you with the tools and know-how for sure-fire success – from feasibility studies, endowment and capital campaigns, to annual giving, stewardship strategies, advocacy, planned giving, major gift programs and more.

We’re experts on all aspects of board governance and can help you fire-up your nonprofit board to enthusiastically embrace their role in fundraising.

Sharpen your skills with coaching and training.

The professional development resources you’ve been searching for are right at your fingertips.

Timely and practical on-demand courses and webinars, in addition to custom workshops and board retreats, will give you the skills and confidence to take your campaign to the next level.

We are fundraising professionals in the charitable sector and experts in philanthropy. Our expertise helps you upgrade your entire fundraising process: how to reach new donors, organize successful capital campaigns, fundraising programs and events to raise money. We understand the smartest solicitation strategies that work with high-net-worth donors and supporters by raising their interest in your cause.

Training that makes a difference.

“Gail Perry is a legend in fundraising and a trailblazer in women’s leadership, she is an amazing thought leader, colleague, friend and all-around inspiration.”

Martha Schumacher Past Chair, AFP Global board

How to Jumpstart Your Capital Campaign and Achieve Early Success Today

Discover what’s triggering mega donors to unlock early gifts in today’s economy

With Gail Perry and Dr. Kathryn Gamble

National Nonprofit Consultants

the YMCA
Duke University
San Diego Zoo
ALS Association

“You were great! I came away with such enthusiasm and a plan to get our board more involved and educated on our organization. Thank you so much.”

Dr. Jessica Katz Jameson, NC State University

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