Fundraising events are organized activities or initiatives aimed at raising money or funds for a specific cause, project, or organization. These events serve as platforms to gather donations and support from individuals, businesses, and communities. Fundraising events can take on various forms, employing different fundraising strategies.

Find below our articles about Fundraising Events best practices.

porch party

7 Tips to Create a Wildly Successful Donor Cultivation Event

Why do we hold major donor cultivation events? These types of gatherings happen everywhere, and they happen often in the fundraising world. We find that a lot of major gift fundraising happens in these types of quasi-social donor events. Here's…
How to Host a Successful Porch Party

How to Host a Porch Party, a Fun Donor Cultivation Event: Our Full Resource Guide!

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This is our complete guide to a successful Porch Party, a donor cultivation event. Small socials can help build community support and engage new donors.

Top 5 Secrets to Make Porch Parties a Fundraising Winner Every Time

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Casual, small social events like Porch Parties can be terrific tools for fundraising. You probably know that lots of fundraising can happen in a social environment. Conversations that happen socially can help you plot a path to an important…
porch party

Your Questions and My Answers on VIP Donor Cultivation Events

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Small VIP donor cultivation events are an easy way to open doors to new prospects -- and engage current donors in your mission. My last Porch Party in April! Here are my answers to your questions about donor cultivation events such as…

The Right Way to Follow Up Your Social Events and Tours

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And one of the things people always ask is how to follow up friendmaking events that your board members will host. Plan your follow up ahead of time, or DON'T DO THE EVENT! We believe in two types of followup: First, the personal phone call…

How and When to Hold a Virtual Gala This Summer with Sherry Truhlar

Note: This article was written in spring 2020. Are you planning a virtual gala or fundraising event this year? If so, there are many decisions to make: when, how, where, what format, what technology, etc? Sherry Truhlar of Red Apple Auctions…

If You Have to Cancel Your Event Because of the Pandemic

Life has changed suddenly for us when the pandemic broke out. On top of anxiety about Covid, nonprofits have to deal with cancelled fundraising events. I’ve chatted with fundraisers this week who are having to cancel events that contribute…

How to Secure Mega Sponsorships for Your Fundraising Event!

Fundraising event sponsorships are a different animal - but they offer huge potential.  I’m pleased to bring the amazing Chris Baylis of the Sponsorship Collective to my readers in this guest post. Chris has wowed my peeps with mind-blowing…

Seven Deadly Sins of Fundraising Events

Oh boy, we’ve all been there. We've seen disasters at fundraising events - little ones and . . . huge ones, haven’t we? Some mistakes ruined the evening’s energy. Others ruined the auction. So don’t make these mistakes at YOUR next…

198 Nonprofit Fundraising Event Tips to Maximize Your Profit

Your fundraising event is a huge amount of work, and it takes countless hours of volunteer and staff time.  Let's make sure all this work pays off - so that you make as much money as possible from your event!  These tips will help…

Top 10 Tips to Make More Money, Have More Fun at Your Fundraising Event

Fundraising event tips are here! May is Party Month here at Fired-Up Fundraising. Today I'm sharing how to make more money and have more fun with YOUR own fundraising events. We all have events, so let's make them fun and also highly profitable. First:…

Are You Having Too Many Fundraising Events?

Are you having too many fundraising events? Love ‘em’ or hate ‘em, fundraising events are a fact of life for most nonprofits. Here’s the challenge: Fundraising events are our most inefficient way of raising money. In general, when…

7 Tips for an Amazing Donor Cultivation Tour

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Planning a donor cultivation tour? Think twice! You don't want just any old “show and tell.” Nope. If you really want to nail this amazing cultivation opportunity, you need to be very careful about how your tour is set up and run. You…

How to Have a Record-Breaking Charity Auction!

You know that May is "Party Month" at Fired-Up Fundraising! We're tackling fundraising events of all types. I've written about how to snag high dollar sponsorships. I've shared my personal top 5 tips for greater profit. And we're even…

How to Make MUCH More Money With Event Sponsorships

Let's sharpen our approach to fundraising event sponsorship sales.  You have a choice - Do you want to approach event sponsorships like a bowl of spaghetti or a highly focused laser? :) Guest Post from Chris Baylis Today I'm pleased…